September 2022 Vol. 77 No. 9


Editor's Log

Editor’s Log: Trendsetters or Irresponsible Dreamers?

(UC) — Leave it to the state of California. Always the trendsetters, for better or for worse. It used to be clothes, hair styles and fashion choices that started first in California then spread throughout the land. Hollywood counter-culture movies became stalwarts of the cinema as well.



Vermeer Chair Emeritus, Former CEO Bob Vermeer Dies at 78, Houston-Area Flood Officials Consider $30 Billion Tunnel Project, Primoris Services Corporation Acquires PLH Group for $470 Million, California Submits Proposal for 45-Mile Water Tunnel and more.

Washington Watch

Newest EPA Methane Proposal Hits Pipelines Hard

(UC) — The United States Senate bill on climate change, which includes a fee on pipeline emissions of methane, puts a new emphasis on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) two rulemakings on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

FERC Rate Change Posting Proposal Controversial

Responding to a June 2021 petition from interstate pipeline customers, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has proposed upgraded website posting requirements when pipelines file for a Section 4 rate change.


Curved Microtunnel Project Saves Time, Effort

BRH Garver recently completed two segments of major sanitary sewer system improvements in Houston, employing microtunneling. The bores consisted of 4,600 linear feet and 4,200 linear feet of 60-inch-diameter gravity sewer tunnel at depths to 70 feet. Hazen and Sawyer designed both projects for the owner, the city of Houston.

Trenchless Technology Center Report: TTC Research Initiatives Booming

(UC) — The Trenchless Technology Center (TTC) at Louisiana Tech University is in the midst of the most active research year of its existence and its Industry Advisory Board (IAB), again, hit an all-time high in 2022. The TTC has recovered from the lull of the global pandemic in all aspects except in-person training, which is expected to bounce back this fall.

UCT Opens Registration for Orlando Event, Industry-Leading Education Program Announced

As 2023 nears and the underground infrastructure industry eyes emerging opportunities for the new year, registration has officially opened for the Underground Construction Technology Conference & Exhibition (UCT) – the leading educational and exhibition event to provide essential intelligence, information and business leads. c

First Look

Infinity Reamer Features Field-Replaceable Cutters

Infinity Tool MFG has introduced a PDC (polycrystalline diamond compact) horizontal directional drilling rock reamer with cutters that can be replaced in the field.

Directional Drilling

Three Tips to Help HDD Professionals Select the Correct Frequency to Avoid Interference

And as our world continues to modernize, it is crucial that underground construction crews know how to navigate the complicated network of buried utilities.

Tech Tips

Tech Tips: Styrene Emission Equipment Innovation and Research

While NASSCO has enlisted leading universities to conduct research projects for worksite emission sampling, and industrial hygiene evaluations as well as potential environmental impacts, there are a variety of new technology advances in the realm of reducing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the CIPP installation process and will be covered in this article.


Business News

Latest industry news


In Memoriam  Troy Young, vice president and co-owner of Tulsa Rig Iron, passed away in a tragic boating accident over the Memorial Day weekend, in Grove, Okla., at age 48.  From an early age, he was heavily involved, with his brother Trevor, in the family ..

New Products

New Products

Ditch Witch MT164 Helps Boost Productivity, Reduce Costs  Built to help power and fiber-optic contractors easily create a clean, narrow trench in one pass, the new Ditch Witch MT164 microtrencher attachment offers maximum compact cable installation performa..
