
Sponsored by: Hammerhead Trenchless
When it’s time to replace sewer laterals and mains, turn to trenchless replacements with pipe bursting to grow your business and spare your customers the unpleasant side effects of open-cut replacements.
Join HammerHead Trenchless as they discuss when pipe bursting is best, lateral and mainline applications and the future of pipe bursting. The HammerHead team will also discuss the hours of research and development that go into our bursting products and exciting new things from HammerHead Trenchless.
At the end, the HammerHead team will moderate a question-and-answer session where you can provide field experiences, and our team will provide a trenchless solution.
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Sponsored by: Hammerhead Trenchless
Every jobsite is different and the more prepared you are – with the essential tools in your trenchless toolbox – the more likely you will complete the job on time and on budget.
Join HammerHead Trenchless to discuss the necessary items for each job and how the importance of a trenchless system - including the equipment, consumables, and training – will help make your jobsite the most efficient. The session will discuss trenchless systems for lateral and mainline CIPP, point repair, and pipe bursting.
At the end, the HammerHead team will moderate a question-and-answer session where you can share your in-field experiences and our team can share ideal trenchless solutions for your consideration.
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Sponsored by: Ditch Witch
When putting pipe and cable in the ground, a horizontal directional drill, trencher and plow often come to mind. However, they may not always be your best solution. For this presentation, Ditch Witch product managers, Britton Yunker and Brant Kukuk will discuss some alternative ways to finish your installation jobs.
Sometimes the more common methods are your best bet, but a lack of space or unique ground conditions may be more conducive for a mole. Need to cross a sidewalk but can’t go under or tear up the concrete? A microtrencher might be the solution you’re looking for.
For any challenging jobsite task, there is a solution. Join us and find an option that works best for you.

Sponsored by: American Augers
Horizontal directional drill (HDD) operators know that having the right equipment is a key element to jobsite success. One integral piece of equipment that can help streamline operations and boost HDD uptime is fluid cleaning systems. Fluid cleaning systems are designed to assist HDD crews with their drilling fluid by removing solids from the drilling fluid as quickly and efficiently as possible. This can help reduce wear and tear on tooling, pumps and other components, resulting in a cleaner, safer and more efficient operation.
From minimizing inadvertent returns to helping contractors reduce environmental impacts and minimize haul-off costs, fluid cleaning systems are a fundamental piece of equipment in any drilling operation. We’ll dig into the science behind the benefits of clean drilling fluid.

Sponsored by: Ditch Witch
There are already lots of good reasons for why you should digitally document underground construction jobs from pre-drill planning to post-drill reporting. It can help you better understand congested easements to avoid costly and dangerous cross bores. It can also reveal how well—or poorly—operators are using equipment. It can even improve how you bid for jobs by making sure bids reflect each job’s unique risks and challenges.
And now, you can add one more reason to the list of why you should document jobs—it will soon be required.
Cory Maker and Steve Sellenriek will walk attendees through what is required of them, how their equipment can help and explain how contractors can implement best practices into their everyday businesses.
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Sponsored by: Vac-Con
Hydro excavation is a great tool for daylighting and safe digging but it’s not always the right decision. Circumstances, surroundings, and a number of other factors can all come in to play.
So, what’s the solution? Join experts from Vac-Con as they discuss the benefits of hydro-excavation and the right time and place to do it.
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Sponsored by: Ditch Witch
You can rub a couple sticks together to start a fire, but it’s much more effective to use a lighter. Antiquated equipment can still get the job done (some of the time), but technological advances and innovations in the HDD industry are allowing contractors to work more efficiently and make more money.
This presentation will give a brief history of HDD pipe and tooling, but more importantly, highlight how far these components have come over the years. The days of digging huge exit pits and spending hours swapping out tooling for pullback are riding off into the sunset. We’ll discuss the equipment upgrades and enhanced best practices for pipe and downhole tooling in a modern HDD world.
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Sponsor: Madewell Products
Fairfax City in Virginia had a problem and turned to engineers from H&H, a national leader in infrastructure engineering, for answers. A thorough Condition Assessment revealed twin, 9.5-foot corrugated metal pipes were aging, showing corrosion at the baseline, structural cracking of the culvert headwalls and wingwalls, and undesirable graffiti on the bridge walls. The city’s objective is clear: long-term, low maintenance so proactive qualities versus reactive kicked-in.
To meet the spec, the project team at Triangle Contracting shotcrete a varying thickness (2” – 5”) liner of restoration mortar (ML-72HP) to restore and protect these large diameter culvert pipes. The project came in under budget and finished ahead of schedule. Learn how to replicate fast and flawless restoration of CMP and RCP pipes cost-effectively, with a true trenchless technology from Madewell Products and a nationwide network of Certified Applicators.
Major Educational Takeaways
• Consequences of doing nothing.
• Alternative Lining Methods are good but do not compare.
• Spin Casting and Shotcrete—When and Why
• Equipment matters—Execution is Everything
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- Texas contractor penalized by OSHA for repeated trench safety violations
- West Virginia approves $67 million for water, sewer projects
- Trench collapse kills one construction worker in Houston, Texas
- Columbia, Mo., approves $9.2 million sewer rehab project using trenchless technology
- OSHA cites Florida utility company for safety violations that led to worker’s fatality