November 2014, Vol. 69, No. 11
The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) announced that the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD), of North Central Texas has earned the Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system’s Silver award for their Line J, Section 1 Pipeline project.
Beginning January 1, 2015, there will be a change to what covered employers are required to report to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that it is providing $67,000 in technical assistance to the city of Santa Maria, CA, to help it plan for water quality management.
The board of directors of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America announced the election of Ronald J. Tanski, president and chief executive officer of National Fuel Gas Company, as chairman of the INGAA board of directors for a one-year term from October 2014 to October 2015.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Safety Council has renewed their alliance to work together to protect the health and safety of workers and understand the rights of workers and responsibilities of employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Spectra Energy Corp., Spectra Energy Partners and Northeast Utilities (NU) recently announced details of the Access Northeast project, designed to reliably meet growing demand for natural gas in New England while providing environmental and economic benefits to the region.
Federal environment officials have failed to adequately oversee hundreds of thousands of wells used to inject toxic oil and gas drilling waste deep underground, according to a new congressional report.
State utility regulators ruled on Oct. 10 that Vermont Gas Systems can continue to build its pipeline from Chittenden County to Addison County despite substantial cost overruns, as reported in VPR News.
A team of subject matter experts from Aries, Avanti and Logiball come together in Webster, TX to bring you the two-day Annual Grout School with application detail review of the ASTM and ICGA/NASSCO specifications and hands-on workshops for chemical grout mixing and testing, and equipment operation and maintenance.
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) announced Luis Farias and Lee Huntoon as its new team managers for the Northeast Regional Planning Area and Panhandle/West Regional Planning Area, respectively.
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam (LAN) announces the hiring of Chad Cormack, P.E., CFM and Craig Hebbe, P.E. as project managers for the firm’s Austin, TX, office.
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Dr. David Michaels has appointed Bill Perry as the new director of the agency’s Directorate of Standards and Guidance.
EHC Inc., a construction company that provides pre-construction, earthwork and infrastructure services, announced that 20 percent of employees marked five-plus years of service at the company in 2014, one of which celebrates a 20-year anniversary.
Radiodetection was a winner again at the International Locate Rodeo in Atlanta, GA.
In August, family-owned Tulsa Rig Iron held a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of a new state-of-the-art facility sitting on 20 acres just south of Tulsa, OK.
PFERD Inc. announces the appointment of Sean Lindley as applications specialist covering Louisiana and Texas with occasional assignments in Arkansas and Oklahoma.
Source: HDD® Inc., has completed a move into a new 43,000 square foot facility.
The <a href="http://digital.turn-page.com/i/408856">digital edition</a> of <em>Underground Construction</em>, November 2014, Vol. 69, No. 11.
Universal HDD welcomes UNI West HDD as the new exclusive Western Canadian distributor for Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. They are the exclusive distributor for all Universal HDD equipment including HDD drills, parts and service. Universal HDD offers pipe and tooling for all HDD rigs, locating equipment, mud systems, UNI Hammer, and new and used equipment. 844-UNI-WEST (844.864.9378); <a href="unihddcanada.net">unihddcanada.net</a>
Further empowering construction companies to improve productivity, run more efficiently and decrease maintenance costs, Case Construction Equipment has announced the introduction of its SiteWatch app for the iPad.
Fort Worth Water Director Frank Crumb retired Sept. 12 after more than 30 years of employment with the city of Fort Worth, TX. In October, he accepted a position with Half Associaties.
Advertisers from the print edition of <em>Underground Construction</em>, November 2014, Vol. 69 No. 11.
Failures to aging water and sewer service lines are on the increase in major cities and small towns alike throughout the United States.
Formerly known as the Tulsa Pipeline Expo, the rebranded and expanded The Pipeline and Energy Expo was held in August at the Cox Business Center in Tulsa.
The United States and Canada will require an annual average midstream natural gas, crude oil and natural gas liquids midstream infrastructure investment of nearly $30 billion per year, or $641 billion total over the 22-year period from 2014 to 2035, a new study finds.
<em>Special to Underground Construction</em> Jon Haas had been using piercing tools as part of a military experiment, installing pipes under roads and runways. After completing some of the bores, he was puzzled to see water coming from an elevated fill section of the pavement he was working on. The only possible explanation for water at this highpoint was that it must have been trapped under the pavement. The bore from the piercing tool released it.
You don’t have to listen hard to hear the housing boom occurring in Portland, OR. Growth and development echo through the Columbia River Valley, bounding off hundreds of new rooftops — symbols of rebirth and renewal for Phoenix Excavating, Vancouver, WA.
Consumers Energy Company, Michigan’s largest utility provider, plans to spend $150 million this year to expand and upgrade its natural gas system that includes 28,000 miles of distribution and transmission pipelines serving 1.7 gas million customers throughout the state.
Improvements in equipment continue to expand capabilities, experience and project owner recognition of the benefits of horizontal directional drilling.
Tulsa Rig Iron has added to its product line a hydrostatic test pump package designed specifically to fill and pressure up new and repaired pipelines for integrity testing before they are put into service.
<em>EDITOR’S NOTE: In 2016, NASSCO will celebrate its 40th year of setting standards for the assessment and rehabilitation of underground infrastructure. As we look forward, we also look back to those who have made significant contributions and have impacted the continued acceptance and use of trenchless technologies.
Equipment Spotlight
Manhole repair products by Hobas Pipe USA, The Strong Company, Cretex Specialty Products, Raven Lining Systems, AP/M Permaform, Avanti, Sauereisen, Sealing Systems, Protective Liner Systems, Containment Solutions, Parson Environmental Products and CCI Spectrum.
Excavators by Kobelco, John Deere, Doosan, Volvo Construction Equipment, Case, Hyundai Construction Equipment Americas, Caterpillar and Hitachi.
Wheel loaders by Doosan, New Holland, CASE, Volvo Construction Equipment, John Deere, Hyundai and Caterpillar.
New Products
The RT1200 is an all-new riding trencher designed with versatility and productivity in mind.
The Lift-a-Load Elevating Platform Trailer can be hydraulically lowered flat to ground height or raised up to dock height.
The LowPro trench cover has an innovative flexi-edge system which greatly reduces trip hazards for pedestrians and helps to reduce any unwanted movement.
To keep manholes properly maintained and free of water intrusion, Eull’s Manufacturing introduces a turnkey system for final manhole adjustment – Eull’s Manhole Shield.
StraightLine HDD introduces a 3-inch model to its RockEye line of hammers.
JD Construction, headquartered in Lambertville, MI, was recently charged with installing the pour-in-place looping pit for a new 150 by 70 foot Alcos Slitting Line at Heidtman Steel Product’s new East Chicago facility located only a mile away from Lake Michigan.
Power Dynamics LLC (PDI) announces completion of a custom designed and manufactured maxi-rig for Harding Directional Drilling of Bryan, TX.
Hitting buried utilities? Use the construction and utility contractor’s tool of choice – the Schonstedt XTpc+ Multi-Frequency Pipe & Cable Locator.
Editor's Log
As the saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. In some cases, that’s a good thing.
Washington Watch
One top federal pipeline regulator left her job and a senior state regulator is coming to Washington to fill a second top pipeline job.

- Texas contractor penalized by OSHA for repeated trench safety violations
- West Virginia approves $67 million for water, sewer projects
- Trench collapse kills one construction worker in Houston, Texas
- Columbia, Mo., approves $9.2 million sewer rehab project using trenchless technology
- OSHA cites Florida utility company for safety violations that led to worker’s fatality