Conterra to invest $22 million in North Carolina broadband infrastructure
Conterra Ultra Broadband Holdings announced its continued investment in fiber network growth across Union County, North Carolina, with its initial investment of $9.6 million and an additional estimated $12.7 million expected over 5 years.
PG&E moves power underground in plan to bury 10,000 miles
Pacific Gas & Electric Co. is working on an ambitious project to bury thousands of miles of power lines in an effort to prevent igniting fires with its equipment and avoid shutting down electricity during hot and windy weather.
Broadband expansion has companies looking to recruit skilled workers
Although major federal investments are aiming to bridge the internet access gap, the funds can only go so far without an increase in the number of workers capable of building and installing high-speed internet infrastructure.
Fiber Comes Home
The inexorable wave of fiber to the premises continues its march across America and indeed, much of the world. And to my delight, fiber is finally arriving at homes in my suburban community.
$1 billion hydropower project's fate rests with Maine supreme court
A stalled $1 billion energy corridor aimed at bringing Canadian hydropower to the New England power grid could be given new life — or spiked for good — by the state’s high court.
$3 million grant funding broadband internet installation in rural Michigan communities
Merit Network was awarded a $2.99 million Economic Development Administration grant under the CARES Act Recovery Assistance Grant to support construction of 70 miles of middle-mile fiber optic infrastructure in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan.
Big US energy transmission projects inch closer to approval
The federal government has finished another environmental review of a proposed transmission line that will carry wind-generated electricity from rural New Mexico to big cities in the West.
Unity-based telecom is bought by Idaho company
Unity telecommunications has been bought by Direct Communications to serve high-speed internet to rural communities.
FOSA supports new Federal Highway Administration "Dig Once" regulations
The Fiber Optic Sensing Association supports new "Dig Once" policies that go into effect on March 3.
Harbor Link breaks ground on new Baltimore underground conduit project
Harbor Link begins work on a Baltimore telecommunications project that will install 60 miles of conduit to be used for fiber optic cables.
PG&E Announces New Electric Infrastructure Safety Initiative to Protect Communities from Wildfire Threat
PG&E announces a new initiative to protect communities from wildfire threats by expanding its underground electric distribution power lines.
South Dakota Struggles to Provide Rural Broadband Access
As federal officials debate investing billions of dollars in broadband access, South Dakota is planning to invest $100 million as it struggles to extend reliable internet service to every corner of the state.
Santee Cooper is Set to Offer Broadband on its Extra Lines
Santee Cooper is taking company applications to use extra fiber and transmission lines for rural broadband service.
A California City Launches Smart City Energy and Water Savings Program with ENGIE North America
The City of Milpitas began an energy and water savings program that will upgrade utility infrastructure.
Idaho Eyes Sewer, Water, Broadband with Federal Rescue Money
Idaho will receive $1.1 billion in the latest round of coronavirus relief money which will go toward water, sewer and broadband infrastructure in the state.
A Wisconsin County Forms Task Force to Expand Internet Access
Dane County, Wis. created a task force to provide internet access to rural communities.
Work Begins on New Mexico Transmission Line
Pattern Energy begins work on a wind power transmission line.
Agreement Provides Fiber-Optic Improvements in Rural Areas
Fiber-Optic improvements will be conducted in a few rural counties.
Traverse City Utility Builds out New Fiber Network
A new fiber broadband network was launched by Traverse City Light & Power.
USDA Awards Alaska Utility $22 Million for Fiber Installation
Alaska Power & Telephone Company has been awarded $21.5 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to install more than 200 miles of fiber optic cable in rural Alaska.
Traverse City Utility Builds out New Fiber Network
A utility in Traverse City, Michigan is building out a new fiber broadband network across the city which includes installation of nearly 15 miles of underground cable.
Fiber Project Pushes Through Difficult Ground Conditions, Environmental Challenges
On its own merit, a horizontal directional drilling (HDD) shot spanning more than five football fields long is a substantial task. But when you add in both volcanic and clay ground conditions, a tight deadline and an environmentally protected job site, it becomes all the more challenging.
Plastics Pipe Institute Offering Bounty for Old Exhumed HDPE Pipe
The Plastics Pipe Institute is offering a reward for old exhumed HDPE pipe as part of a research project to demonstrate the material's longevity.
North Carolina Utilities Told to Stop Disconnections Through August
Regulators in North Carolina have instructed the state's large, for-profit utility companies to continue delaying disconnections through the month of August.
USDA Awards $750 Million for Rural Broadband Infrastructure
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is awarding nearly $750 million in loans and grants to help improve broadband infrastructure in rural areas around the country.
Utility & Communications Construction Update
The spread of the coronavirus has upended almost every staple of U.S. life, and businesses have no sense of what the next two weeks, much less the next two months, could look like. With these themes as the backdrop, there are some takeaways we can share for planning the next six months, as we consider both oil and the spread of the coronavirus.
Underground Construction and Related Industries Respond to Coronavirus
While much of North America hunkers down to wait out the coronavirus pandemic, essential workers at companies throughout the underground construction industry are continuing to deliver vital services to customers.
Complicated Cable Boring in Boston Harbor
ECI Drilling International (ECI) recently completed two horizontal directional drilling (HDD) installations in Boston of conduits for cable that replaced old power cable service at an essential wastewater treatment plant. The channel bore also was a step in preparing for construction of major Boston Harbor improvements.
2020 Outlook and Utility & Communications Construction Update
The United States construction market is steady and growing slightly amidst the second-longest period of sustained economic expansion since 1964. Despite fears of an impending slowdown, FMI Research projects that construction put-in-place will increase year-over-year by slightly less than 1 percent in 2019 (down from 3 percent in 2018).
euNetworks Adds New High Density Fiber Networks in Milan and Madrid
euNetworks Group Limited (“euNetworks”), a Western European bandwidth infrastructure company, has announced that it has undertaken further network investment in Europe, building duct based, high fiber count networks in the cities of Milan and Madrid.

- Texas contractor penalized by OSHA for repeated trench safety violations
- West Virginia approves $67 million for water, sewer projects
- Trench collapse kills one construction worker in Houston, Texas
- Columbia, Mo., approves $9.2 million sewer rehab project using trenchless technology
- OSHA cites Florida utility company for safety violations that led to worker’s fatality