
Effects Of Pipe Bursting On Nearby Utilities: Prediction, Prevention And Management

This article will discuss the potential impact on adjacent utilities as a pipe is replaced using pipe bursting technology. From concept through design and construction a true understanding of the effects pipe bursting has by your entire team is essential in preventing utility damage and ensuring a successful project.

Efforts Continue To Mitigate Styrene Issue

Efforts to block the designation of styrene as a possible cancer-causing agent are proceeding on several fronts while organizations who use styrene in the manufacture of their products consider short- and long-term effects should they ultimately be forced to find a substitute for styrene.

Breaking Down Barriers – Gaining Acceptance For Pipe Bursting In Your Community

Pipe bursting is a proven method for replacing underground pipelines that provide critical services including municipal water, sewer, gas, storm water, electrical, telecommunications systems and more to people throughout North America and the world.

Manhole Rehabilitation: Sometimes Misunderstood, Yet Key Infrastructure Solution

The nation’s failing sewer collection system infrastructure encompasses main pipelines, lateral sewers and manholes. There exist over 20 million manholes in the U.S. of which over four million are older than 50 years and over five million are 30 to 50 years old.

Styrene Designation Disputed By Industry

The sanitary sewer rehabilitation industry -- especially organizations involved in cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) lining -- are evaluating potential ramifications, if any, of the designation last month of styrene as a “reasonably anticipated carcinogen.”

Pipe Bursting – Terminology And Lingo: What Does It All Mean?

Pipe bursting, like many technologies today, has its own set of lingo or jargon which often times makes it difficult to understand for someone new to the industry or without a lot of direct experience with the technology.

Regional Conference Balances Policy With Technology

The Center for Innovative Grouting Materials and Technology (CIGMAT) and the University of Houston’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering held its 16th annual conference and exhibition in Houston, TX, at the University Hilton, University of Houston campus on March 4.

CIPP Industry Defends Styrene Use

Organizations in the cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) industry are seriously concerned about a recommendation before the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to designate styrene as a “reasonably anticipated carcinogen,” implying that it could be a cause of cancer in humans.

Defining, Understanding Lateral Rehab Options

Members of the NASSCO Lateral Committee continue to refine a document to provide a comprehensive overview of lateral and main-lateral connection repair and sealing technologies.

Defining, Understanding Lateral Rehab Options

Rehabilitation of failing sanitary sewer systems is a high priority for many cities in the United States with major projects under way relining and replacing aging and failing mains.

INGAA board creates new pipeline safety task force

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) is forming a new executive-level task force on pipeline safety.

RehabZone Garners Record Attendance

The RehabZone posted record attendance at the 2011 Underground Construction Technology International Conference & Exposition (UCT) held Jan. 24-27 in Houston.

UCT Daily News: Wednesday, Jan. 26

Here's the latest from the UCT International Conference and Exhibition going on now at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, TX. What are you missing? Yesterday, trenchless industry association UCTA bestowed its annual Most Valuable Professional Award on CIGMAT's Dr. Cumaraswamy Vipulanadan, Ph.D. Barbco unveiled a much-requested disc cutter, debuting at UCT after over a decade's wait for a commercial offering. UCT's first ever SafeZone started offering attendees a shot at locating a tricky line on-site, while the Rehab Zone showed off with live demonstrations of three separate technologies.

PLCA Activity Levels Remain High

Since its inception, a primary responsibility of the Pipe Line Contractors Association (PLCA) has been to negotiate collective bargaining agreements with the four international unions with pipeline jurisdiction--the Teamsters, United Association, Operating Engineers and Laborers.

Accomplishments Accumulate For NASSCO

This past year (2010) was a busy and eventful period for NASSCO (the National Association of Sewer Service Companies). There were many highlights, said NASSCO President Brad Dutruch, including:

FERC Investigates Pipeline Rates; PHMSA Rejects INGAA Pleas

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is investigating the possibility that two interstate pipelines are charging unreasonable rates. The FERC opened mid-November investigations of Kinder Morgan Interstate Gas Transmission LLC and Ozark Gas Transmission LLC, a unit of Spectra Energy Partners LP., based on reviews of Form 2 cost of service and revenue information submitted by the two companies for 2008 and 2009.

Irv Gemora: Taking NASSCO To New Heights

For the first time in decades, Irv Gemora doesn’t have a “regular” job to go to each day. After retiring as executive director of NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Companies) last August, Gemora helped with the transition of the association’s new executive director, Ted DeBoda, and he remains on the payroll as a consultant until February.

Right Time, Right Opportunity For New NASSCO Executive Director

Ted DeBoda took over as executive director of NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Companies) in August 2010 and has settled in quickly, managing on-going association programs and looking ahead to the challenges of the future.

NASTT Trenchless Good Practices Programs schedule released

The North America Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) has released a schedule of its Trenchless Good Practices courses for the remainder of 2010 and into 2011. These programs benefit utility contractors and municipal organizations alike. NASTT educational and training programs cover a wide range of trenchless methods and are designed for experienced professionals, as well as newcomers to the industry.

INGAA releases white paper on pipeline energy efficiency

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) released a white paper, Interstate Natural Gas Pipeline Efficiency, analyzing the achievements and challenges in connection with optimizing the energy efficiency of natural gas pipeline transportation.

INGAA Has Record Attendance At Las Vegas Annual Meeting

More than 280 key transmission, engineering, contracting and vendor personnel attended the INGAA Foundation’s 20th Annual Meeting at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas this past November. In addition to committee meetings presentations included “Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Natural Gas Industry” by Keith Rattie, chairman of Questar Corp...

Overlooked – Again

When President Obama came out with his “bold” vision for renewing and expanding infrastructure in America, it was much lauded by the White House as a plan that combines a long-term vision for the country’s infrastructure future with new investments.

Solutions For Lateral Rehab

In many American cities, the sanitary sewer laterals that connect homes and commercial structures to sewer main lines have been allowed to deteriorate and become a significant source of sewer system inflow and infiltration (I&I), along with other problems.

INGAA responds to San Bruno fire disaster

A subdivision in the city of San Bruno, CA, was engulfed in flames when a natural gas pipeline exploded on Sept. 9. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., which owns the pipeline, and federal investigators are probing the pipeline blast that killed at least four people and damaged 58 homes in the hilly neighborhood. Three people remain missing at the time of this report.

CIGMAT Report: Update From This Unique, Industry-Specific Ongoing Research Program

The Center for Innovative Grouting Materials and Technology (CIGMAT) Research Center was established in 1994 at the University of Houston, Houston TX. CIGMAT’s goals are to foster improved understanding of grouting and coating materials under various applications. Also of interest are other competing and complementary materials and technologies to grouting and coatings used in the construction and rehabilitation of civil infrastructure and offshore pipelines.

Proper Nozzle Selection In Sewer Cleaning

Choosing the correct nozzle (or nozzles) for a sewer cleaning job can be a daunting task for the uninformed. However, with a little bit of information and understanding of the task at hand, this process can be quite simple. The purpose of this installment of NASSCO’s Tech Tips is to provide the buyer and the end user a quick guide to the initial purchase and field usage of the proper sewer tool.

NASSCO Selects New Executive Director

The National Association of Sewer Service Companies’ (NASSCO) Board of Directors has selected Ted DeBoda, P.E., to succeed Irvin Gemora as executive director. In October 2009, Gemora announced his decision to retire effective February 2011. He purposely made an early announcement because he knew that it would take considerable time and energy to recruit the best candidate.

PLCA Canada Holds 56th Annual Convention In Newfoundland

Roughly 280 delegates braved the weather and travel to attend the 56th annual meeting held at the Sheraton in St. John’s Newfoundland. There were representatives present from 16 regular and 46 associate member firms, plus the pipeline craft unions and various guests including several past presidents. At the end of 2009 the association had 34 regular members and 66 associates.

NASSCO Names DeBoda Executive Director

The National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) Board of Directors has selected Ted DeBoda, P.E., to succeed Irvin Gemora as Executive Director. DeBoda is currently manager of the URS Corporation’s Baltimore Office.

Sanitary Sewer Operations: Blockage Removal

Of all sanitary sewer operations, blockage removal is perhaps the most demanding and highly visible. For the purpose of this discussion a blockage is defined as the “stopping or interruption of sanitary sewerage flow.”