September 2018 Vol. 73 No. 9


The RehabZone Brings Together Yesterday and Today

The RehabZone™, exclusive to UCT, offers attendees a “hands-on” look at the history and best of today’s trenchless technologies for the rehabilitation of aging infrastructure.

The exhibit-within-an-exhibit is where you can see the methods used in North America over the last 200-plus years. Then, experience a comprehensive look at modern rehab methods and visit with experts to learn what options are best for your projects. Located in a special section of the UCT exhibit hall, the RehabZone is a self-paced, walk-through history of sewer infrastructure rehabilitation.

New additions for 2019 will be an expanded Cutter Challenge and a Scavenger Hunt. Details will be available in October.

Educational stations include the NASSCO Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) and Inspector Training Certification Program (ITCP), closed circuit television (CCTV), bypass pumping, sectional CIPP lining, joint and seal repairs, water main lining, lateral lining, grouting, root control, manhole linings and coatings, emerging technologies and the new safety station.

The RehabZone is presented by NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Companies) in cooperation with the Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute of the ASCE, the Water Environment Federation’s Collection System Committee, and

Underground Construction magazine. It is funded by sponsoring organizations and participating companies. Donations are always welcome for this unique rehabilitation industry event. Sponsorships and the opportunity to perform live demonstrations are open to UCT exhibitors only. For details, visit

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