Sewer gas leak hospitalizes four DC high school students

(UI) — According to Shore News Network, four high school students from McKinley Tech High School in Washington, D.C., have been hospitalized due to exposure to a hazardous odor.

On Monday, these students reported feeling unwell after detecting an unusual smell, and they were swiftly transported to a local hospital. Fortunately, their condition is stable.

Investigations have revealed that the mysterious odor is hydrogen sulfide, commonly known as sewer gas. This gas is notorious for its flammable and toxic characteristics and tends to accumulate in low and enclosed spaces because it is denser than air.

Inhaling sewer gas can lead to a range of health complications, from mild issues like headaches and eye irritation to severe outcomes such as unconsciousness or even death.

DC Fire and EMS crews are currently on-site, working to mitigate the situation at the affected school and ensure the safety of the students and staff.

This story was originally published by Shore News Network.

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