November 2019 Vol. 74 No. 11

Rehab News

TT Technologies’ Versatile Grundoburst: First Choice for Wide-Ranging Applications

Burst and replace water, sewer, gas and other pipes with the Grundoburst static pipe bursting system from TT Technologies. The Grundoburst can pull in a variety of replacement pipe including PVC, DIP, ABS, cast iron, fusion-welded HDPE and VCP jacking pipe. 

A specially designed, bladed cutter head makes bursting ductile iron and steel pipe possible. Pulled by a hydraulic bursting unit, the cutter head’s special cutting wheels split the host pipe, versus ripping or tearing it like single, fin-type static pipe bursting systems. This “clean” process requires less power than other systems and helps prevent damage to the product pipe.

An attached expander spreads and displaces the split pipe into the surrounding soil, while simultaneously pulling in the new pipe. Patented QuickLock bursting rods are linked together, not threaded. This saves time, increases safety, prevents twisting and extends the life of the cutter head over threaded bursting rods.

Six Grundoburst models are available for bursting 2-inch through 54-inch (and larger) pipes: 400G, Mini-400 G, 800G, 1000G, 1250G and 2500G.

TT Technologies, based in Aurora, Ill., provides a complete line of trenchless equipment and technology for sewer, water, gas and electric rehabilitation and replacement projects. This includes piercing tools, guided boring tools, pneumatic, static and lateral pipe bursting systems, pipe ramming tools, bentonite mixing systems, constant-tension winches, directional drills and mini-directional drill rigs.

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