September 2016, Vol. 71 No. 9
Equipment Spotlight
The DigiTrak Aurora Display Is HDD Industry's First Color Touch Screen

The DigiTrak® Aurora® Display represents the HDD Industry’s first color touch screen. Aurora is DCI’s most rugged design to date and is compatible with all current DCI locating system and future systems. Aurora incorporates DCI’s state of the art telemetry technology for improved performance even in high Interference environments. A larger display keeps critical information at your fingertips for easier management of your drilling activities. Locating data and custom HDD apps are now combined into one ground-breaking device.
The Aurora color, touch-screen display provides critical rod-by-rod data that allows the rig operator to “see” the bore profile as the pilot bore proceeds. It captures rod number, pitch, depth, surface distance and time for every rod drilled, and calculates and plots the relationship between drill head and terrain – adding details and a visual dimension to the decision-making process. Aurora incorporates a rugged design state-of-the art telemetry technology for improved performance even in high-interference environments.
The Aurora comes equipped with applications and further ones are available for purchase and more information is available in the App section.
(800) 288-3610,