July 2013, Vol. 68, No. 7


UCT Seminar Series Continues At ICUEE

The Underground Construction Technology (UCT), through its outreach educational program the UCT Seminar Series, is once again organizing the underground utilities construction and rehabilitation program for the biannual International Construction & Utility Equipment Exhibition (ICUEE). The show will be held at the Kentucky Exposition Center in Louisville, KY, from Oct. 1-3.

In addition to eight, highly-focused educational sessions, a special one-day, pre-show workshop on modern infrastructure locating – including certification — will be featured on Sept. 30.

UCT is the established industry leader for providing high quality, non-commercial educational programing for all aspects of the underground construction market place. In cooperation with its many industry partners, the UCT Seminar Series brings the best and most directly beneficial information to a variety of formats across North America.

“Through our annual UCT Conference and our educational outreach program, the UCT Seminar Series, we are able to provide the benchmark for all underground industry learning programs,” explained UCT Program Director Robert Carpenter. “We take great pride in keeping our educational presentations non-commercial. We frequently have attendees comment on how they are able to immediately apply information gathered at one of our events into their daily operations.

“For ICUEE 2013, we’ve tailored the program specifically for the needs of the underground construction contractors and owners that will be attending,” Carpenter added.

Major education
During the upcoming ICUEE, the UCT Seminar Series has organized eight intensive learning opportunities to match the specific business needs of attendees. Sessions are divided into concentrated program tracks to allow selection of topics most appealing to attendees.

The pipe bursting sessions will cover both lateral pipe bursting and increasing job site productivity. The horizontal directional drilling sessions will include a look at cutting edge new technology solutions that will directly benefit contractors, how to minimize your HDD risks and an advanced mud school that includes some surprising and helpful information, regardless of what your drilling fluids knowledge.

Also on the program are two sessions focused on the increasing nation-wide concerns for underground safety and damage prevention. The topics will cover the immediate priorities when a buried gas line is hit and how pre-excavation practices can prevent damage to utilities.

The special pre-show UCT Locator Certification Workshop is sponsored by Staking University. It will combine classroom and hands-on instruction to aid underground construction personnel in developing the skills to consistently supply accurate and complete utility location information.

For all UCT Seminar Series classes, industry professionals can earn continuing education units or professional development hours as applicable.

The UCT Seminar Series is a division of Oildom Publishing Company, publisher of industry-leading magazines Underground Construction, Pipeline & Gas Journal and Pipeline News. The group also is the organizer of the annual UCT International Conference & Exhibition and the Pipeline Opportunities Conference.

Attendees can view the latest details and updates for the educational program posted at www.icuee.com, as well as register for the conference.

UCT Seminar Series

Pipe Bursting
Sponsored by the International Pipe Bursting Association NOTE – ADD IPBA LOGO
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.: Utility Pipe Bursting – How To Increase Job Site Productivity, Reduce Costs And Improve Community Relations
Speaker: Brian Metcalf, IPBA past-chairman, HammerHead Trenchless
Speaker: Mike Woodcock, Portland Utilities Construction Company, LLC
Description: This presentation will focus on how general utility contractors can benefit by adding pipe bursting as an additional construction method to their tool box of options for the replacement and upgrading of all utilities (gas, conduit, water, sewer, lateral and distribution). Those attending will receive an overview as to pipe bursting fundamentals and how this trenchless technology can positively impact job site planning, increase productivity, reduce job site material cost and improve contractor/community relations by eliminating significant disruption of traffic and commercial disruption for home owners, business owners and system owners.

10 — 11 a.m.: Lateral Pipe Bursting Can Save (Or Earn) Big Dollars
Speaker: Michael Lien, TRIC Tools Inc.
Municipal infrastructure is in need of upgrade or replacement. Water and sewer pipes top the repair list in many communities. Pipe bursting is a popular method used to replace sewer laterals in municipalities. Water lines can also be burst. The primary focus of this presentation is private laterals and their contribution to sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) in communities that have recognized the problem and are enacting comprehensive programs to address it.

Residential sewer laterals are a high priority for communities seeking to eliminate inflow and infiltration (I&I) in municipal sewer systems. Inflow is the result of illegal outside drains connected to a home sewer lateral, and infiltration happens when ground water or storm drainage enters the sanitary sewer system through deteriorated or damaged underground pipes and manholes, particularly in wet weather. I&I accounts for the greatest volume of overflows, and residential laterals are the main contributor to I&I overall. This means that sewer laterals must be brought up to current code when homeowners decide to sell or remodel a property. Some communities are implementing more aggressive programs that pay all or part of the cost to replace private laterals across entire service areas. This translates to an influx of work for contractors. This presentation will examine the increasing urgency in municipal I&I abatement, and will provide an overview of current private lateral compliance initiatives.

Horizontal Directional Drilling
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.: HDD: New Technology Solutions Benefit Contractors
Sponsored by the Distribution Contractors Association
The Distribution Contractors Association (DCA) is sponsoring a panel discussion on innovative technologies for the HDD industry. This forum will highlight three different innovative solutions that have been developed by DCA contractors and/or associate member companies. The range of technological innovations will include drilling fluid advances, job site efficiency enhancements and break-through advancements in drilling and support equipment.

10 – 11 a.m.: Minimizing Risks In The Risky HDD Business
Speaker: David Wampler, Jackson Creek Enterprises
More than many types of business, a directional drilling contractor must deal with numerous variables. Identifying potential problems, taking steps to eliminate them when possible, and being prepared for others are keys to being successful.

Horizontal Directional Drilling

8:30 – 9:30 a.m.: Advanced Mud School – Part 1
Speaker: Tom Tibor, Baroid Industrial Drilling Products
The diversification of small rig applications and the increased use of mid to large rigs have brought a new dynamic to the use of mud and specially formulated drilling fluids. This course will detail the use of mud/fluids in today’s complicated drilling environment.
10 – 11 a.m.: Advanced Mud School – Part 2
Speaker: Tom Tibor, Baroid Industrial Drilling Products
Speaker: Ben Clark, Derrick Equipment Co.
This follow-up session will focus on the integration and use of mud cleaners/recyclers for use with small and medium sized rigs.

Underground Safety & Damage Prevention
8:30 – 9:30 a.m.: Immediate Priorities When a Buried Gas Line Is Hit
Speaker: Jerry Gann, Centerpoint Energy
Time is critical when a gas line is hit. Who should the first call go to? What immediate steps should be taken while waiting for emergency personnel? These and other questions are answered in this session.

10 – 11 a.m.: Pre-Excavation Practices To Prevent Utility Damages

Speaker: Ron Peterson, Utility Consulting Professionals
National Utility Locating Contractors Association
This session deals root causes that contribute to utility damages and simple processes that can be put in place prior to the start of excavation that should prevent incidents. Topics will include effective use of the One Call system, site documentation, effective use of pictures and video and safe excavation practices.

Staking University’s Locator Certification Workshop
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 30
Combining classroom and hands-on instruction, the Locator Certification Seminar focuses on the underlying principles of utility locating, as well as the importance of performing accurate locates. This seminar will aid underground construction personnel in developing the skills to consistently supply accurate and complete utility location information. It also will aid attendees in developing superior troubleshooting techniques, a mastery of locating equipment and the skills required to pass Staking U’s locator certification test.

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