February 2013, Vol. 68 No. 2


DCA Holds Fall Meeting, Contractor’s Reception, 2nd PDC

The Distribution Contractors Association annual fall meeting was held Nov. 13-14 at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, TX. It was organized in conjunction with the DCA’s 2nd Annual Professional Development Conference (PDC) on Nov. 14-16.

The fall meeting began with committee meetings and a business session organized by the DCA HDD committee. The session included an HDD panel on: ‘Expanding the Boundaries: Unique and Innovative HDD Projects.’ Panelists included: Greg Dahl, ARB; Grady Bell, Laney Directional Drilling; and Mike Robirds and Billy Kilmer of Accu-Bore Directional Drilling.


The next day was highlighted by a Fall Meeting and PDC combined golf outing at Cowboys Golf Club. Later that evening, the annual Contractor’s Reception, organized by Underground Construction and Pipeline & Gas Journal drew a large crowd for an evening of networking.


The Contractor’s Reception sponsors included: American Augers, Carson Underground, Caterpillar, Case, CETCO, Darby Equipment, Derrick Equipment, Digital Control, Ditch Witch, HammerHead Trenchless Equipment, JANX, John Deere Construction & Forestry, J.T. Miller, McElroy Manufacturing, McLaughlin Group, M-I SWACO, Midwestern Manufacturing Company, Miller Electric Manufacturing, Oildom Publishing Company, PipeLine Machinery International , Serimax, Sharewell, TT Technologies, Vacuworx Global, Vermeer Corporation, Vermeer Texas – Louisiana, Volvo and Wyo-Ben.


The PDC was split into two tracks this year: one for new attendees and the other for returning members. Both tracks were designed to enhance the business skills and acumen of attendees and help them see the bigger picture of their various businesses.

Sessions for new attendees included Effective Communication, Principles of High Production, Leadership vs. Management, Business Development and Essentials of Motivation. Returning attendee sessions were Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Skills.


Distribution Contractors Association, (972) 680-0261, www.dca-online.org


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