April 2013, Vol. 68 No. 4


NASSCO’s Industry Initiatives Reflected At Convention

NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Contractors) continued its strong growth cycle with another successful annual convention boasting record attendance numbers.

Almost 280 attendees travelled to the Hawk’s Cary Resort on Duck Key Island in the Florida Keys in February. As always, the NASSCO Convention is a mix of work and fun. In addition to the board of directors’ meetings, a general meeting on the second day of the convention included two division reports and 15 committee reports along with updates on the inspector training programs for CIPP, Pipe Bursting and Manholes.

The intricate committee and division system of NASSCO yields incredible benefits for both members and the general trenchless rehabilitation industry. Committee meetings held over the course of the convention included:
• Infrastructure Assessment/Software;
• Laterals;
• RehabZone;
• Asset Management;
• International Chemical Grout Association;
• Health & Safety;
• Government Relations;
• Pressure Pipe;
• Industry Standards;
• Scholarship
• Latin America; and
• Industry Relations.

Another of the program highlights included the annual NASSCO Technical Day. This year’s program included presentations on Acoustic Sewer Inspection which is currently being tested in Cincinnati, OH, Utilizing GIS to Better Manage Collection Systems, Lawsuit Protection, WateriD, Pressure Pipeline Inspection and Pressure Pipe Rehabilitation.

Committed membership
The event wrapped up with a banquet followed by Casino Night that raised money for the NASSCO scholarship programs. NASSCO awarded two, $2,000 scholarships this year to Annie Fletcher and Brenden Guthrie.

During the banquet, incoming NASSCO President Joan Stone of PipeLogix told the audience, “I went to my first NASSCO meeting about 10 years ago and I was hooked. I saw that everyone was committed to helping industry.

“I’m very happy and honored to be the second woman president of this organization,” she added. “I will continue to follow in John’s (Nelson, 2012 president) footsteps the best I can and continue the great work of NASSCO.”

NASSCO 2013 Officers include: President Joan Stone, PipeLogix; Vice President Stuart Tillery, Duke’s Root Control; Secretary Mark Metcalfe, Hoffman Southwest Corporation; Treasurer Michael Poplawski, New England Pipe Cleaning Co.; and Past President John Nelson, Visu-Sewer.

The current board of directors includes: Kay Doheny, Jack Doheny Companies Inc.; Jacob Trapani, BLD Services; Peter Kurz, Pipeline Renewal Technologies; Tim Vivian, Green Mountain Pipeline Services; Steve Hirtz, SAK Construction; Bob O’Connor, MCSP; Jason Roy, Mar-Tech Underground Services Ltd.; Joe Schotthoefer, Doetsch Environmental; and Luis Leon, CDM-Smith.

The 38th Annual NASSCO Annual Convention will be held Feb. 12-15, 2014, at the Marriott San Diego Gaslamp Quarter, San Diego, CA.

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