July 2012, Vol. 67, No. 7


ICGA Releases Grout Specification For Trenchless Industry

NASSCO, the National Association of Sewer Service Companies, has recently released Suggested Standard Specification for Pressure Testing and Grouting of Sewer Pipe Joints, Laterals and Lateral Connections Using the Packer Method with Solution Grouts.

“Our goal was to provide a neutral document that would provide value to the engineering community as they prepare sewer rehabilitation project specifications,” said Marc Anctil, president of Logiball Inc., and chairperson of ICGA (Infiltration Control Grouting Association), a division of NASSCO.

“ICGA works to support NASSCO’s mission to set industry standards for the assessment and rehabilitation of underground pipelines,” continued Anctil. “And while there are ASTM standards to which many refer, we saw the need to provide documentation that would support the bid process by providing principals, details and concepts that can aid in this process. Many of the other sources out there are vendor-related, so we wanted to provide a neutral document that could be adjusted to suit a particular project need.”

The specification includes general descriptions and requirements, product details, specifics regarding various executions, typical bid items, a sample payment schedule and supplementary unit prices. Prepared by ICGA and peer reviewed by industry professionals, the specifications are not specific to any one product, and should be considered a guideline only.

A free download is available for a limited time on www.sewergrouting.com. The specification will also be available indefinitely in the member area of www.nassco.org.

For more information about NASSCO or ICGA membership, visit www.nassco.org or sewergrouting.com

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