December 2012, Vol. 67 No. 12
New Tools Added To WERF’s SIMPLE Online Knowledge Base

Improving the quality of wastewater service is daunting in the face of the challenges posed by aging of the networks of pipes and pumping stations; over 800,000 miles of water pipe and 600,000 miles of wastewater infrastructure with some components over 100 years old.
The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) has improved resources to assist with much needed condition assessment and system rehabilitation. The Sustainable Infrastructure Management Program Learning Environment (SIMPLE) is WERF’s online knowledge base that provides tools, techniques, and strategies to support asset management practices of all levels of experience.
Available through the WERF website for over five years, SIMPLE has been redesigned to allow for a more succinct and user acceptable format.
The newly redesigned SIMPLE features two levels, the introductory level for the entry level practitioner just beginning an asset management program and the practitioner’s level for the experienced practitioner. For the first time, the introductory level of SIMPLE will be available at no charge. It contains pathways for developing an asset management program, a series of interactive training aids, guidelines for small utilities, basic practices and techniques, and several basic tools to all who register as users. The practitioner’s level contains all of the SAM tools listed below, including the gap analysis tool, SAM GAP, and the newest advanced content from WERF’s SAM Challenge research.
New additions include:
• Asset Hierarchy/Registry;
• Condition Assessment Scoring;
• Capital Improvement Project Validation/Prioritization;
• Asset Management Plan Template;
• Life Cycle Cost Analysis Tool Business Case Analysis; and
• Coming soon will be an End of Asset Life Reinvestment Tool.