December 2012, Vol. 67 No. 12
Loans approved for Texas water/wastewater development

The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has approved financial assistance totaling $60,695,198 as follows:
• $1,193,461 to the City of Breckenridge (Stephens County) consisting of a loan in the amount of $840,000 and $353,461 in loan forgiveness from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to finance wastewater system improvements
• $3,170,841 to the San Antonio Water System (Bexar County) consisting of a loan in the amount of $2,975,000 and $195,841 in loan forgiveness from the CWSRF to finance wastewater system improvements.
• $283,700 to the City of Honey Grove (Fannin County) consisting of a loan in the amount of $200,000 and $83,700 in loan forgiveness from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) to finance water system improvements.
• $1,423,521 to the City of Emory (Rains County) consisting of a loan in the amount of $720,000 and $703,521 in loan forgiveness from the DWSRF to finance water system improvements.
• $130,000 to the Lake Palo Pinto Water Supply Corporation (Limestone County) consisting of a loan in the amount of $130,000 from the DWSRF to finance water system improvements.
• $512,325 to the City of Moran (Shackelford County) consisting of a loan in the amount of $180,000 and $332,325 in a loan forgiveness from the DWSRF to finance water system improvements.
• $1,290,350 to the Springs Hill Water Supply Corporation (Guadalupe and Wilson Counties) consisting of a loan in the amount of $1,100,000 and $190,350 in loan forgiveness from the DWSRF to finance water system improvements.
• $900,000 to the Salado Water Supply Corporation (Bell County) from the Rural Water Assistance Fund to finance water system improvements
• $1,500,000 to the Smith County Municipal Utility District No. 1 (Smith County) from the Texas Water Development Fund to finance water system improvements
• $50,000,000 to the San Antonio Water System (Bexar County) from the Water Infrastructure Fund to finance water system improvements
• $291,000 to the City of Turkey (Hall County) from the Economically Distressed Areas Program to finance water system improvements