PPI presents Donna Stoughton with lifetime achievement award

(UI) — The Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI) presented Donna Stoughton with its Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her many years and vast contributions to the industry.


Stoughton, who recently retired from WL Plastics, was the first woman to chair the organization’s board of directors since it was founded in 1950.  During her 20-year affiliation with PPI, Stoughton served and chaired numerous technical and other committees, and was featured in Plastics News as one of the “Women Breaking the Mold.” 

 “Her intelligence and drive to make this industry better and better have always been strong,” said David M. Fink, PPI president, when presenting the award. In addition to leadership positions, “Donna has represented PPI at the United States Conference of Mayors, the Mayors Water Council and at numerous trade shows and conferences at ASCE, ASTM and AWWA.” 

Within PPI’s Municipal and Industrial Division, she has served as chair, vice chair and past chair, as well as chair of its marketing committee, for more than eight years. “This included … providing valuable input to our task group projects and leading the development of research and documents on residual disinfectants and chair of the AWWA C901 Subcommittee,” said Camille George Rubeiz, P.E., co-chair of the HDPE Municipal Advisory Board and MID’s senior director of engineering. 

“Her contributions to other allied organizations are also substantial, where she is well-recognized as an expert in polyethylene pipe, standards and market development.” 

In addition to volunteering at PPI, Stoughton was vice president of sales and marketing for 29 years at Charter Plastics and then vice president of the northeast region for WL Plastics, after it purchased Charter in 2021.

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