8/11 is National 811 Day

The 11th day of the eighth month of the year, serves as a natural reminder about the important safety message to call 811 before every digging project, no matter how large or small. The national toll-free number connects professionals and homeowners with their local One-call Center so that buried lines in the area can be identified and marked before excavation.

Through National 811 Day and other national and local initiatives, Common Ground Alliance (CGA),  the organization dedicated to protecting underground utility lines and the safety of people who dig near them, promotes the toll-free phone number as the first step in the damage prevention process. In fact, CGA statistics prove that calling 811 before digging reduces the chance of unintentionally hitting and damaging underground utility (water, electrical, telecommunications and natural gas) lines to less than 1 percent.

This year, National 811 Day will include a variety of events and celebrations across the country:

  • Proceeds from a golf tournament in Moses Lake, WA, will go towards 811 damage prevention, safety, education, contractor training and public awareness efforts in the state.
  • Pennsylvania 811 will sponsor baseball games in Erie, York, Williamsport and other cities on Aug. 11.
  • Cox Utility Services, Texas 811 and the Danielle Dawn Smalley Foundation are teaming up to sponsor an 811-call-before-you-dig-themed night at The San Antonio Missions ballpark.
  • The Eastern Virginia Damage Prevention Committee is sponsoring an 811 Day celebration and second annual canned food drive at the Virginia Beach Department of Public Utilities.
  • North Carolina is running a “How do you 811?” promotional campaign during the month of August that asks contestants to take photos and/or videos depicting how they use or promote the 811 service.
  • Numerous pipeline operators and other industry-related organizations are hosting the 2nd Annual 811 Day Block Party that will provide valuable information about 811 and pipeline safety, simultaneously at four different locations in the Greater Houston Area.

For more information about CGA, 811 and safe digging practices, visit call811.com.

To learn more about specific 811 One-call Centers, select your state on this map.

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