October 2023 Vol. 78 No.10

Tech Tips

Touring NASSCO’s new sewergrouting.com website

By NASSCO Board Member & ICGC Committee Chair John Manijak, Hoerr Construction

Information about what is believed to be the oldest trenchless technology has just gotten easier to find. ICGC – NASSCO’s Infiltration Control Grouting Committee –has just completed a full revision of its website found at SewerGrouting.com.

NASSCO’s vision is “To increase the awareness of aging underground infrastructure and to provide viable solutions through education, technical
resources and industry advocacy.” Creating a viable source for information that is easily available was just one of the many reasons for the update of SewerGrouting.com. The website is linked to NASSCO.org to make it quick and easy for trenchless professionals to find valuable information and guidance on the topic of infiltration control / grouting.

In line with the NASSCO vision, there is excellent information found on the website that can help educate, provide technical resources, and advocate for grouting as a proven trenchless technology. At the top of the home page is a six-minute video on chemical grouting. First released in 2021, this introductory video was produced by members of ICGC and is filled with important information on grouting processes, I&I control, and historical statements.

The website contains eight distinct segments, each one specifically designed to provide a collection of information on their respective topics:

Applications – Injection grouting is often used to stop water infiltration and provide structure stabilization. Each of the following website pages provide a detailed description of the processes used along with a short video of those methods used to seal.

  • Mainline – Means and methods used to seal mainline pipes.
  • Lateral – Means and methods used to seal lateral pipes and the mainline/lateral
  • Manhole – Means and methods used to seal access structures.

Safety – Released in 2022, The Unified Safe Operating Practices Program (USOPP) and accompanying Grout Safety Exam is aimed at the protection of not just the industry’s field workers but also warehouse personnel, engineers, transporters, and inspectors. In line with NASSCO’s overall safety focus, the safety section of SewerGrouting.com provides additional information for everyone that is involved with grouting operations.

  • Dos and Don'ts – A great source for toolbox talks for grouting job sites.
  • Grouting Safety Exam – Description of the USOPP program and a link to the course within NASSCO’s training source website. Successful completion of the Grouting Safety Exam earns students 3 PDH or .3 CEU credits.

History – Rooted in the early 1950s, grouting history traces the evolution of the trenchless technology.

  • Timeline – Follow the history of grouting from the 1950s through today.
  • Forefathers – Learn more about each of the six recognized leaders that developed grouting technology.
  • Harold Kosova Award – “The efforts that they have put forth shall not be forgotten.”

Myths and Facts – Learn more about myths and facts about injection grouting.

  • Statements on Grouting – Eight topics of grouting myths and facts are discussed at length.

Resources – The website provides easy access to a collection of resources never assembled in one site before.

  • White Papers – Currently, three white papers are available, including the 2023
    release of the Test Cell Grouting Research White Paper by ICGC.
  • NASSCO Specifications – Two grouting specifications were released in 2021; one
    titled Pipeline Packer Injection PreRehabilitation Grouting, and the other Pipeline Packer Injection Capital Grouting. Download them for free along with other NASSCO specifications.
  • Videos – All of NASSCO’s technical videos, including one on the topic of grouting, are available to view at NASSCO.org/Resources
  • Webinars – Previously produced technical webinars are available for viewing free to the public.


  • Articles – A collection of 26 grouting articles is available.
  • News/Blog – All of the latest news from NASSCO and member organizations can be filtered by the source or a specific topic.
  • Case Studies – Future segment for grouting case studies (available 2024).
  • Training – Links to registration for future Grout Schools hosted throughout the country.

How To Join – Information on how to join NASSCO and the Infiltration Control Grouting Committee (ICGC).

Questions About Grouting / Contact Page – This is a direct link to the ICGC in this section. Submit any grouting question using the easy-fill boxes and receive a timely response from the most qualified ICGC members on the submitted question.

NASSCO’s mission is: “To set industry standards for the assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of underground infrastructure, and to assure the continued acceptance and growth of trenchless technologies.” The update and reintroduction of SewerGrouting.com falls in line with this mission, providing an easy access point for anyone interested in learning more about sewer grouting.

To learn more about NASSCO, join the Infiltration Control Grouting Committee (ICGC), and become better educated on the subject of grouting, go to NASSCO.org or SewerGrouting.com.

TECH TIPS is a bi-monthly article on trends, best practices and industry advice from NASSCO’s Trenchless Technology membership professionals. 

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