August 2019 Vol. 74 No. 8

CURRENTLY @CUIRE (Center for Underground Infrastructure Research and Education)

Najafi to Receive TTC’s Distinguished Alumni Award

In its 30th year of operation, the Trenchless Technology Center (TTC) at Louisiana Tech University has decided to award the first Distinguished Alumni Award to Dr. Mo Najafi, director of CUIRE.

This inaugural award is based on the recommendation of the TTC’s Industry Advisory Board (IAB). Najafi completed his doctoral degree in May 1993 under the supervision of Dr. Tom Iseley, then director of the TTC and professor of civil engineering at Louisiana Tech.

Najafi was the first doctoral graduate of TTC, as well as the first known graduate with a focus in trenchless technology, as he completed his dissertation on development and evaluation of a new propulsion system for microtunneling. He will be honored at a dinner on Oct. 23 at the annual TTC IAB Meeting in Ruston, La.

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