August 2019 Vol. 74 No. 8

CURRENTLY @CUIRE (Center for Underground Infrastructure Research and Education)

CUIRE Holds Annual Conferences

CUIRE Schools at UCT

CUIRE held its 17th annual trenchless technology inspector training and certification schools on Jan. 28–29, at the Fort Worth (Texas) Convention Center in conjunction with the Underground Construction Technology (UCT) conference.

This year’s program included two sessions focused on geotechnical, advanced HDD and a pipe school. In addition, half-day pilot tube and microtunneling, and pipe lining and renewal courses were offered.

There were 63 professionals attending these courses. The instructors were industry experts and included CUIRE board members and friends. 

CUIRE Research Team with UCT Organizers



First Annual UESI Conference

On March 11–12, CUIRE teamed up with the Texas Chapter of the Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) of ASCE to hold its first annual UESI conference in Texas. More than 250 professionals, in addition to 30 exhibitors and 18 sponsors, attended this conference. Sessions were divided into four tracks of Utility Engineering and Specialization I and II, Surveying and Pipelines. A reception was held on the evening of March 11 at the exhibit hall and more than 70 people attended this event.


TTP 2019

On May 22, the South Central Chapter of NASTT (SC-NASTT) and CUIRE held the fourth Trenchless Technology and Pipe Conference (TTP 2019) at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) campus, with more than 150 people attending. The sessions were divided into three tracks: new installations, renewal and replacement, and geotechnical impacts of pipeline installations.

At the beginning of the conference, a plenary session was held with welcome presentations by Alan Goodman, president of SC-NASTT, Dr. Mo Najafi, CUIRE director, Dean Peter Crouch, UTA College of Engineering, Dr. Ali Abolmaali, chair of Civil Engineering and Michelle Hill, NASTT Program Director.

Three student scholarships of $2,500 each, were award by SC-NASTT. Travis Andrews, assistant water director for Fort Worth presented a keynote regarding the city’s trenchless projects.

Upon completion of above events, attendees received a certificate of completion and a PDF copy of all presentations on a USB drive. For more information on future events, call CUIRE at (817) 272-9177 or email or visit

TTP 2019 Organizers with Scholarship Recipients

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