May 2018 Vol 73 No. 5
PPI Creates New Geothermal Steering Committee

The Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI) has created a new group within its Building and Construction Division, which represents plastic pipe manufacturers that produce various types of (pressure) piping systems used within buildings and on their premises. Those activities are now focused, through the Geothermal Steering Committee, on a growing industry and increasing popularity of energy-efficient systems.
“PPI and our members promote the adoption of geothermal technologies to help reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling buildings, saving owners money,” said Lance MacNevin, director of engineering. “Other benefits of ground source systems are better reliability and building resiliency, with no exposed outdoor components.”
The new focus is timely for another reason. “The U.S. Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 reinstated the tax credit for fuel cells, small wind, and geothermal heat pumps,” said Tony Radoszewski, CAE, president of PPI. “Signed into law in February 2018, it provides a 30 percent federal tax credit for geothermal, which, in some states, also qualifies for a state rebate.”
Geothermal Steering Committee activities include supporting industry efforts to update standards and codes, such as ANSI/CSA/IGSHPA C448, IAPMO’s UMC and USHGC, and ICC’s IMC and IRC; working closely with related organizations; publishing documents about the use of plastic piping systems for geothermal applications; and serving as a technical resource for geothermal system designers, with regards to plastic piping technologies.
In addition, PPI has joined the Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) and was a first-time sponsor of the 2018 (March) International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) Conference.
Plastics Pipe Institute,