October 2015 Vol. 70 No. 10
Vactor’s New DigRight™ Technology Benefits Vacuum Excavation of Utilities

According to hydroexcavation best practices, there are set pressure limits based on the depth of the excavation. For example, when excavating 18 inches below the surface, the water pressure limit is 1,500 psi. The maximum water pressure allowed in any situation with a straight jet nozzle is 2,500 psi, and when using a spinner, the limit is 3,000 psi.
Vactor Manufacturing has developed a patent-pending technology for its Vactor HXX HydroExcavator® that allows operators to select their desired maximum water pressure to match industry best practices standards and effectively take human error out of the equation. The industry-exclusive technology ensures the operator is working within best practices and could very well change the hydroexcavation industry.
DigRight™ Technology
Known as DigRight™ Technology, the new system, coupled with Vactor’s multi-flow, variable water flow water pump feature, allows the operator of a Vactor HXX HydroExcavator® to select a maximum water pressure limit to prevent the pressure from exceeding site or industry requirements. The Vactor HXX HydroExcavator is used on utility, municipal and public works, oil and gas, construction, and site preparation job sites across North America to provide a safer, easy-to-use alternative for potholing, waterline repair, slot trenching, directional drilling, sign and pole installation, pipe and line repair and installation, and other large-volume excavation.
The new technology essentially prevents the operator of the HXX HydroExcavator from misusing the equipment or going against hydroexcavation best practices. The system consists of a push button on the control panel with four default selections: off; 1,500 psi; 2,500 psi; and 3,000 psi. The technology automatically adjusts the pump’s water flow to match the user’s nozzle selection. It also prevents wear and tear on check valves, unloader valves, and relief valves by avoiding bypassing water, which is typical with other variable water flow systems. Preventing bypassing of water also saves fuel and money by eliminating wasted energy.
Automatic adjustment of water flow
A standard feature on all Vactor HXX trucks manufactured after July 1, 2015, DigRight Technology allows the operator to select the pressure on the control panel, and when in operation, prevents the threshold pressure from being exceeded. Without this technology, a contractor working around utilities must visually watch a pressure gage at the truck during operation to know the actual pressure he or she is operating at. To match soil conditions, operators typically increase or decrease pressure while digging, or change digging nozzles as required. Each time a nozzle is changed, or water pressure is increased or decreased, the operator is again required to visually watch a water pressure gauge to verify his or her operating pressure. DigRight Technology automatically adjusts water flow to match the nozzle size and prevents exceeding site water pressure ratings for increased productivity and safety.
Most hydroexcavation units on the market today feature variable water flow capabilities. The maximum water pressure of the system is set via a relief or unloader valve. Water flow is typically increased or decreased by changing the water pump’s speed. However, once the water pressure reaches the system’s maximum pressure level, the operator has the ability to continue to increase the water pump’s speed, thus increasing water flow and pressure.
The increased water flow is then bypassed over the unloader or relief valve in the system to prevent over-pressurization. With DigRight Technology, the operator is unable to increase the water pump’s flow once the maximum pressure level is set. This feature prevents wasted energy and excessive wear and tear on the water pump’s system for a more reliable and cost-effective unit operation.
DigRight technology has been proven to help customers improve their businesses by delivering improved safety and efficiencies. Contractors using the Vactor HXX with DigRight Technology on utility locating and pipeline projects are secure in the knowledge they are operating within industry-recommended water pressure ratings.
The standard water system on the Vactor HXX is rated at 10 gpm at 3,000 psi (37.85 L), which is the maximum pressure recommended for safe excavation. It is powered by a hydraulically operated triplex piston water pump.
Each unit includes a standard handgun hose measuring 3/8 in x 75 ft (.95 cm x 22.86 m), mounted on a heavy-duty retractable reel. The handgun and water pump can be mounted in an optional heated cabinet for protection against cold weather conditions. The Vactor HXX can be configured to include an additional handgun reel, hose, and digging lance for improved productivity.