October 2013, Vol. 68 No. 10
PPI Board Announced

The Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI), a trade association representing all segments of the plastic pipe industry, has announced its new board of directors for 2013.
George Zagorski of Blue Diamond Industries was named chairman of the board, a two-year appointment. The board also includes Patrick Collings of Lane Enterprises, vice chairman; Kate Olinger of Uponor, advisory council chair; and Monty Fisher of Pipeline Plastics, treasurer. Moving to the board position of past chair is Gary Runyan of Zurn PEX Inc. Working with division chairs, the executive director and legal counsel, this group governs the association and oversees its business.
The chairs of the five PPI divisions participating on the board are: Building & Construction: Lance MacNevin, REHAU Inc.; Conduit: Kevin Wettstein, Muehlstein & Associates; Corrugated Plastic Pipe: Jeremy Duininck, Prinsco; Energy Piping Systems: Dick Kraft, Endot Industries; and Municipal and Industrial: Lawrence Norris, Wolseley Industrial Group. 469.499.1044, plasticpipe.org