June 2013, Vol. 68, No. 6
June 2013 Ad Index

Advertisers from the print edition of Underground Construction, June 2013, Vol. 68, No. 6.
American Augers, www.trencor.com
American Pipeline Contractors Assn., www.americanpipeline.org
Anchor Pipe International, www.anchorpipe.com
Arntzen Corporation
Atlas Copco Construction & Mining USA, www.atlasacopco.us
Audio Supply, Inc., www.audiosupply.com
Baroid IDP, www.baroididp.com
Bituminous Insurance Companies, www.bituminousinsurance.com
BKW Inc., www.bkwinc.com
Case Construction
Challenger Services, www.challengerservices.com
Chrysler Group
Copperhead Industries, www.copperheadwire.com
DCA, www.dcaweb.org
Ditch Witch
Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association
E&M Specialty Company
Felling Trailers, Inc.
Footage Tools, www.footagetools.com
FS3 Inc., www.fs3inc.biz
Georg Fischer Central Plastics
HammerHead, www.hammerheadmole.com
Harding Directional Drilling, www.hardingdrilling.com
HDD Broker, Inc., www.hddbroker.com
Horizontal Technology, Inc., www.horizontaltech.com
Hunting Trenchless, www.huntingtrenchless.com
Hyundai Construction Equipment
ICUEE ’13, www.icuee.com
InRock Drilling, www.inrock.com
ISCO Industries, LLC
J.T. Miller, Inc.
John Deere Construction Equpment
Kem-Tron, www.kemtron.com
KS Energy Services, LLC, www.ksenergyservices.com
Laney Directional Drilling Co., www.laneydrilling.com
Lee Supply Company, Inc.
LMK Enterprises
McElroy Manufacturing Co., www.mcelroy.com
McLaughlin Group
Mears Group, Inc., www.mears.net
Melfred Borzall, www.melfredborzall.com
Michels Corporation, www.michels.us
Midland Carriers
Moffatt Enterprises
Otis Eastern Service Inc.
OZ Directional Drilling
Pipeline Pigging Products, www.pipepigs.com
Price Gregory, www.quantaservices.com
Quality Mat, www.qmat.com
Quanta Services, www.quantaservices.com
Radius HDD
Roose Reel Trailers, www.roosemfg.com
SamJac Products, www.samjacproducts.com
Slabach Enterprises, www.slabach.com
U.S. Composite Pipe South, LLC (USCPS)
Underground Devices, Inc., www.udevices.com
Underground Tools, Inc., www.undergroundtools.com
Universal HDD, www.robbins-hdd.com
Utiliscope Corp., www.utiliscope.com
Vacmasters, www.vacmasters.com
Vac-Tron Equipment
VACUWORX, www.vacuworx.com
Vanair, www.vanair.com
Vermeer Corporation
Wyo-Ben, Inc., www.wyoben.com