January 2013, Vol. 68, No. 1


In Memoriam: Paul Hayward

Respected industry consultant and technical writer Paul Hayward, 59, passed away Nov. 13 after a battle with cancer.

Hayward studied for his Bachelor of Engineering Honours Degree in Civil and Structural Engineering at University of Sheffield. Over the course of his career in a wide range of positions in both local government organizations and private enterprises, Hayward gained several professional qualifications. Hayward retired in November 2008 when he was diagnosed with cancer.

In his various guises Hayward was also involved in the development and introduction of no-dig techniques, including localised repair systems, robotic repairs, pipe joint testing equipment, grouting materials for sliplined pipes, and methods for sealing large diameter pipelines and shafts. He presented papers at several conferences including International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT) No-Dig conferences. Since 1993, Hayward combined consultancy with technical writing. He carried out consultancy work relating to trenchless technology in the U.S. and New Zealand, and presented two-day trenchless technology seminars in Las Vegas and Chicago for the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). This work also included representation as an expert in contractual disputes. He was also involved in the production of the UKSTT Newsletter. He served on the all-party parliamentary water group and gave evidence at the Uff enquiry in 1996 (Water Supply in Yorkshire following the drought of 1995).

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