December 2013, Vol. 68 No. 12
RehabZone Adds Technology Test Drive

Visitors to the 2014 RehabZone can expect it to be the same as it’s always been – but different.
As it has since 2002, the RehabZone will be a “show within a show” on the exhibit floor of the 2014 Underground Construction Technology International Conference & Exhibition (UCT) at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Jan. 28-30.
The ’Zone’s basic “no-sell” format is unchanged, the only event in the industry that takes this unique approach where visitors find objective information from generic presentations about the always-changing range of pipeline rehabilitation technologies.
Just as it has in previous years, the familiar historic Sewer and Pipe Artifacts Exhibit will be just inside the RehabZone’s entrance. On leaving the historic exhibits, visitors will take a path through technology stations staffed by experts in each discipline.
Stations in the RehabZone include the NASSCO Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) and Inspector Training Certification Program (ITCP), closed circuit television (CCTV), bypass pumping, sectional CIPP lining, joint and seal repairs, water main lining, lateral lining, grouting, root control, manhole linings and coatings and emerging technologies.
Same as always, but also different – information in stations has been updated to include new products and services and to make displays more appealing visually and easier to understand.
RehabZone Chairperson Daniel Magill tells of other ways the RehabZone will be different.
“To start with,” Magill said, “the 2014 RehabZone has more space – 10,800 square feet – a 12.5 percent increase. We have changed the location of the entrance, making it more centralized in relation to the adjoining UCT exhibit floor and easier for visitors to find and access. A large, egg-shaped liner will help draw attention to the entrance.”
To promote the RehabZone to all visitors to the UCT floor, exhibitors who are RehabZone sponsors will have RehabZone decals in front of their booths and offer printed invitations to visit the ’Zone to those who visit their exhibits.
Big changes are in store at the end of the RehabZone’s path through the various stations.
“The area where exhibitors previously conducted demonstrations for the Skills Challenge will be used for ‘Power Hours’,” said Magill. “Participating companies will provide technology presentations or hands-on demonstrations – or both – as part of the new ‘Technology Test Drive’ offering. Schedules will be posted at the UCT show registration, at the RehabZone entrance and in the ‘Power Hour’ demonstration area.”
Guided tours, well received when initiated last year, will be repeated. The guide explains various technologies and methods contained in the RehabZone and at each stop; experts are available to answer questions.
“Tours were very popular at the last show, and we are scheduling four tours in 2014,” Magill said. “Each tour group will be limited to 10 participants. Guides will be Gerry Muenchmeyer and Rod Thornhill. There is no charge for the tours, but reservations are recommended and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.” One hour of PDH credit can be received for participating in a tour.
Reservations may be made with Heather Myers at until Jan. 24. If places are available, reservations may be made during exhibit hours Jan. 28 and 29. Muenchmeyer is the principal of Muenchmeyer Associations; Thornhill is president of White Rock Consultants.
All about learning
“Education is the key to solving municipal infrastructure problems and education is what the RehabZone is all about,” concluded Magill. “We’ve given the next RehabZone a one-word theme, Inspire. For our volunteer committee members who plan and execute the RehabZone, dozens of presenters and the hundreds of participates who will go through the Zone, the goal is to make it all an inspiring and valuable learning experience.”
The RehabZone is sponsored by NASSCO (National Association of Sewer Service Companies) in cooperation with the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Trenchless Installation of Pipelines and Pipeline Infrastructure Systems technical committee, the Water Environment Federation’s Collection System Committee, and Underground Construction magazine. The RehabZone is funded by sponsoring organizations and participating companies.
The 2014 event is the second for Magill as chairperson of the RehabZone Committee. He is president of Avanti International.
“Daniel has done a fantastic job leading the planning and operation of the RehabZone,” said Ted DeBoda, P.E., NASSCO executive director. “Under his direction, the committee has taken on the responsibility for coordinating topics and authors for Tech Tips, a feature published in Underground Construction magazine every other month which includes industry trends, best practices, and advice from NASSCO’s trenchless technology experts.”
Copies of NASSCO’s Tech Tips will be available at the RehabZone.
Another valuable product of the RehabZone is its Technology Guide, an illustrated booklet providing concise descriptions of the technologies available for infrastructure assessment and rehabilitation.
“Trainers around the country use this guide throughout the year to stay current with technology in our industry,” DeBoda added. “Updated annually, the guide is an excellent reference for any industry professional, and copies will be available in Houston at the RehabZone.”
Reflecting on the continuing success of the RehabZone, DeBoda believes two factors are primarily responsible:
• The no-sell format which provides accurate information without sales messages; and
• The volunteers who plan, set-up and staff the information stations, setting aside the competitiveness of their “day” jobs in order to make the RehabZone work.
“NASSCO sincerely appreciates the industry leaders who give their time and resources to make the RehabZone better every year,” he concluded.
RehabZone Sponsors
The RehabZone is made possible by the time and effort of industry volunteers whose companies are providing funding necessary to present it. At press time, sponsors included:
Platinum Sponsors
ADS Inc./Inserta Tee
RapidView IBAK North America
Pipeline Renewal Technologies
Permaliner Industries
Gold Sponsors
Avanti International
RS Technical Services Inc.
Cretex Specialty Products
Pro-Pipe/Professional Pipe Services
WBE Dorcas Inc.
Duke’s Root Control
Silver Sponsors
Visu-Sewer Inc.
National Liner LLC
SpectraShield Liner Systems
SAK Construction
New Phase Marketing
Doetsch Environmental