August 2013, Vol. 68 No. 8
McElroy Reports Success of Certified McElroy Rental Program

Finding the most reliable fusion machine rentals is easy. Certified McElroy Rental machines have been available for more than two years, and are currently available at 96 percent of McElroy Authorized Distributor Locations. Certified McElroy Rental machines undergo a rigorous checklist and regimen by participating McElroy distributors in order to provide customers with the most reliable fusion machine rentals in the marketplace.
The program is a partnership between participating McElroy distributors and McElroy. Distributors use a comprehensive checklist created by McElroy to check fusion machines after each rental. By participating in the program, distributors pledge to provide greater continuous care of McElroy rental machines, creating a premium rental option. If a repair to a rental machine is needed, participating distributors are committed to using Genuine McElroy Parts, installed by factory-trained mechanics. Ninety-six percent of McElroy’s distributors are participating in the program.
Distributors participating in the program are noticing a higher level of customer satisfaction.
“I think customers want something that will work in the field, something that is dependable, something that they can trust,” said Jake Goodson, sales and rental manager at Rainmaker Sales in Shawnee, Okla. “They know when they get out there to do their job that a Certified McElroy Rental machine will fire up and work.”
At an ISCO Industries location in Pryor, Oklahoma, Tom Coats works daily to check Certified McElroy Rental machines with discipline.
“I think of it as if I was going to take something home, I want it to work,” said Coats. “When I put the Certified McElroy Rental sticker on it and put my initials on it, I want it to work because it reflects on me.”
“I think the Certified McElroy Rental checklists are a huge benefit to us,” said Goodson. “It provides us reminders to not overlook certain parts of the equipment. For us, we know that we’re covering the machine from head-to-toe and top-to-bottom. We identify a problem that help to save us time in the future, and saves our customers from downtime and a loss in productivity in the field.”
Certified McElroy Rental locations stock a majority of available McElroy fusion machines, capable of fusing thermoplastic pipe, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe, from ½-inch CTS to 65-inch OD. Productivity equipment is also available at the majority of locations.