August 2013, Vol. 68 No. 8
Equipment Spotlight
Skid Steer Attachments: Equipment Spotlight

Skid steer attachments from Bobcat, McLaughlin and Case.
Complete landscape installations, underground utilities, septic systems and other excavating applications with the backhoe attachment. The backhoe attachment features digging depths from 6 to 11 feet and bucket widths from 9 to 39 inches, making it ideal for maximizing the combination of excavating performance and carrier versatility. It moves from one job to the next with ease, allowing maximum attachment use without hassle all while offering clear visibility. Once the digging is done, switching the backhoe attachment is quick and easy. With the Bob-Tach mounting system, quickly change to a bucket for backfilling and then to another attachment to handle every job on site, maximizing performance and minimizing downtime.
The M-4500 series hydraulic boring attachments are available in three distinct configurations: M-4500, M-4500SS, and M4500MS. The M-4500 can be easily attached to the backfill bucket of any full size or mini-skid steer. The M-4500SS is attached to a mini-skid steer by means of a quick-attach plate, and the M-4500MS attaches to a full size skid steer in the same method. Powered by the hydraulics of the skid steer, the units are cable of producing tunnels up to 4 ½-inch diameter using the dry compaction or slurry boring method of drilling. Speeds of 8 feet per minute and distances of 200 feet are possible depending on soil conditions. 800.435.9340,
Ideal for demolition and construction Case’s new hydraulic hammers attachment comes with a two-year warranty and provides you with two moving parts—a low pressure gas charge, and a low hydraulic surge. Basic hammers include hammer body, top mount side plates, pin/bushing kit and moil point. Chisel tool, blunt tool, asphalt cutter and tamping pad are available options. 866.542.2736,