October 2012, Vol. 67 No. 10


McArthur, Romer Honored At ASCE Pipelines Conference

The American Society of Civil Engineers Pipelines Division held its annual conference in Miami Beach, FL, in August with record attendance of more than 650.

The group gathered for a mix of meetings and activities, including the annual awards luncheon in which Terry McArthur, PE, CDT, with HDR Engineering received the 2012 Award of Excellence, and Andrew E. Romer, PE, accepted the Stephen D. Bechtel Pipeline Engineering Award.

McArthur was the Pipelines Division Executive Committee Chairman from Oct. 1, 2010 through Sept. 30, 2011. He has 35 years of engineering experience, with a strong background in the design and construction of small, medium and large civil/environmental projects, both domestic and international.

He has been an enthusiastic participant in the field of engineering with a special emphasis on pipelines and trenchless technologies. He enjoys mentoring young engineers to help ensure the continuity of engineering excellence into the future.

McArthur is currently a Senior Professional Associate and serving as a Section Manager for HDR Engineers, and is a registered professional engineer in Missouri, Nebraska and Texas.

Romer was recognized for his achievements in the planning, design and construction of large diameter water transmission and municipal pipelines, and for research in extending the service life of piping materials.

He is licensed in 10 states and has led the design of critical water transmission mains, pumping station and treatment plants, trunk sewers and outfalls, along with pipeline evaluation and rehabilitation projects. He has also distinguished himself through leadership in various committees of ASCE, American Water Works Association and the Water Research Foundation. Throughout his 25-year career with AECOM, Romer has mentored younger engineers and become a recognized authority on pipeline design.

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