May 2012, Vol. 67 No. 5


Kansas city gets grant for drinking water upgrades

EPA has awarded $388,000 to the City of Russell, KS, for improvements to its drinking water system. The project is expected to be completed by the fall of 2012.

EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks said, “Enhancing the safety of drinking water systems is an important step in providing safe drinking water to the residents of Russell. These water infrastructure funds will partially fund the construction project which is estimated to cost $843,500.”

The purpose of the project is to replace old, deteriorating cast iron pipe with new plastic pipe. This will eliminate numerous leaks that have occurred the past 20 years. Such leaks can cause low water pressure and introduce contaminants to the water, which is a potential risk to public health.

The construction will include approximately 5,400 feet of six-inch and 4,500 feet of eight-inch water line, water valves and fire hydrants.

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