May 2012, Vol. 67 No. 5

New Products

Eliminate Unwanted Flows With Rubber Manhole System

The Lifespan System, manufactured by Hamilton Kent, is a watertight, corrosion-proof, non-conductive, locking rubber manhole frame and lid system that prevents rain derived inflow from entering sanitary sewers through the top of the manhole. And it retains the hydraulic, water-tight and structural integrity of the underlying concrete structure; thereby delivering a longer service life.

Made of ultra-high-performance elastomers, the Lifespan System also has the added benefit of minimizing road noise because there are no rattling covers.

The Lifespan System has been field-proven for over six years in some of the harshest city road environments in North America where temperatures can range from -25 degrees F to +104 degrees F; and where, in addition to bus and truck traffic, the system is subject to attack from freeze/thaw cycles, corrosive road salts and snow-plow blades.

Weighing only 96 pounds, the Lifespan System is easy to handle and its ergonomically-friendly design makes for quick and easy installation. 800.268.8479,

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