June 2012, Vol. 67 No. 6


Volvo PL3005 Pipelayer Debuts At Customer Event

Volvo Construction Equipment’s recent customer event held in Lock Haven, PA, ended on a high note with a strong showing of pipeline contractors on hand to check out the company’s new PL3005 Pipelayer.

A simulated pipeline site was set up at the Wayne Township Landfill with more than 500 feet of 24-inch gas transmission line set next to a trench to simulate a job.

The first question from one customer from West Virginia: “How does it handle on a grade?”

Answer: “Better than anything you’ve ever run on a spread.”

Once satisfied that the PL3005 could climb a hill under load, the customer headed next to the excavator, an EC340D equipped with 36-inch bucket. After a few instructions he was off and running. Thirty minutes later he exited the cab and said, “That’s as fine a trackhoe as I’ve ever run.”

The event also hosted students from nearby Penn College of Technology in the Earth Sciences Marcellus Shale. Both operators and service technicians from Penn College were very appreciative of the opportunity to check out the new equipment.

Volvo officials said they were also proud to introduce future pipeliners to innovative pipeline construction equipment. 825.650.2000, volvoce.com

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