July 2012, Vol. 67, No. 7
New Products
Weiler Saber Tooth

The Saber Tooth provides cool, fast-cutting action on aluminum, stainless steel, Inconel, titanium and other hard-to-grind metals, resulting in lower grinding and finishing costs.
Saber Tooth ceramic abrasives are fast cutting and have a long life due to an aggressive self-sharpening ceramic grain. A specially formulated grinding aid prevents dulling and glazing of grain and Saber Tooth products are designed to work with heat sensitive materials for cool-cutting – protecting high value parts from heat discoloration.
Weiler’s Saber Tooth flap discs grind and finish in one step, resulting in fewer changeovers and increased productivity. Both the standard angled style phenolic back and the high density flat style phenolic back Saber Tooth flap discs are available in 4-1/2 inch and 7 inch sizes. The 4-1/2-inch trimmable Saber Tooth’s innovative design enables the operator to reduce the diameter of the backing to extend disc life. The performance-engineered non-marking trimmable backing will not damage the work-piece, resulting in less re-work and scrap. 800.835.9999, weilercorp.com