December 2012, Vol. 67 No. 12


RehabZone Adds Guided Tours, PDFs

In 2013, the RehabZone will be an integral part of the annual Underground Construction Technology International Conference & Exhibition (UCT) to be held Jan. 29-31 in Houston, TX.

As always, visitors entering the ’Zone will find the popular Arizona Water Association’s Sewer History Exhibit, then pass through technology stations covering rehabilitation technologies and services, ending at the live demonstration and Skills Challenge area.

While improvements are added each year to enhance the RehabZone experience, the “no-sell” format remains unchanged and sponsors and planners of the event says this is the key to the RehabZone’s continuing success.

All information is presented generically providing a no-pressure environment for receiving objective information about the wide variety and continuously evolving rehabilitation technologies.

“It is unique,” said Daniel Magill, chairperson of the 2013 event. “There is nothing else like it in the industry. The no-pressure environment has proven to be an excellent way to provide informative, educational information about our industry and allows the RehabZone to serve as a focal point for people to meet and discuss different technologies.”

He stressed that credit goes to the expert volunteers who staff the RehabZone stations while setting aside their own organizations competitive nature for the good of the industry.

Stations in the RehabZone include closed circuit television (CCTV), bypass pumping, sectional CIPP lining, joint and seal repairs, water main lining, lateral lining, grouting, root control, manhole linings and coatings, emerging technologies, and the NASSCO Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) and Inspector Training Certification Program (ITCP). Details of demonstrations and Skills Challenge events and schedules will be posted at the show.

Guided tours
While the layout and format of the RehabZone remain basically unchanged, there’s always something new and attention getting. For the first time in 2013, guided tours will be offered.

“The guided tours will allow both new and experienced rehabilitation personnel to take a private tour lead by an industry expert through the various technology stations and demonstrations of the Zone,” said Magill. “The tours provide a valuable educational opportunity for engineers, contractors, and utility owners and managers seeking in-depth knowledge about various water and sewer technologies.”

Tour participants will be eligible for CEU and PDH credits.

Four, one-hour tours currently are planned with participants limited to 10. Tours are scheduled at 2 and 4 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 29, and on Wednesday, Jan. 30 at 1 and 3 p.m. Tour leaders will be Gerry Muenchmeyer, owner, Muenchmeyer Associates, and Rod Thornhill, president of White Rock Consultants.

Advance reservations can be made through Jan. 24 by contacting Heather Myers, e-mail

The Rehab Zone is sponsored by NASSCO in cooperation with the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Trenchless Installation of Pipelines and Pipeline Infrastructure Systems technical committee, the Water Environment Federation’s Collection System Committee, and Underground Construction magazine. It is funded solely by sponsoring organizations and participating companies. Donations are always welcome for this unique and generic rehabilitation industry event.

Magill, president of Avanti International, has been an active member of the RehabZone Committee and served on the marketing subcommittee for the 2012 event before becoming chairperson for 2013.

“My first year as chairperson of the RehabZone has been awesome seeing the dedication of all of the volunteers on the committee,” he said. “It is exciting to work with other individuals and companies who share our passion for education about the industry as a whole.”


RehabZone, (410) 486-3500,

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