May 2010 Vol. 65 No. 5


PCCA Hosts Large Crowd For Disney Convention

A near-record crowd of 350 attended the Power & Communication Contractors Association annual convention at the Contemporary Resort, on the grounds of Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL, March 20 – 23. That number included 20 new members and 40 first-time attendees.

Outgoing PCCA President Ron Tagliapietra, Michels Corporation, and wife Bonnie, hosted the large crowd for several days of business and pleasure.

Attendees, in general, received encouraging news about the marketplace and growth potential from a variety of speakers and events.

The convention meetings began on March 20 with the special PCCA program: Young Construction Professionals. This year’s session was titled “Key Performance Indicators—Defining and Measuring Progress and Risk.”

The President’s Welcome Reception started off the evening. Tagliapietra “magically” appeared on stage to introduce the evening’s entertainment. He told the crowd that serving as the PCCA President “has been a tremendous honor, something I’ll never forget.”

The traditional PCCA Prayer Breakfast on Sunday, March 21, featured guest speaker Don Piper, who shared the inspirational story of his death and life as depicted in his bestselling book, 90 Minutes in Heaven—a True Story of Death and Life.

Next up was the always popular Construction Industry Roundtable where a comprehensive and open discussion regarding the markets and other factors impacting the market were discussed via a mix of presentations and interactive discussions. PCCA members were provided with some encouraging information on future growth of the industry.

That evening began with the silent auction reception followed by the annual PCCA dinner/live auction. About $117,000 was raised for PCCA programs, most notably the Young Construction Professionals education. An additional $10,000 was raised for Helping Hands in Africa.

The next day, Monday, March 22, included more business programs followed by the Annual PCCA Golf Tournament.

The Associates Exhibit & Breakfast kicked off the final day’s activities on Tuesday, March 23. It was followed by business sessions including the PCCA Human Resources Program which was recently announced in partnership with Global HR Research, a PCCA member based in Bonita Springs, FL, that provides integrated tools for acquiring, assessing, and screening talent, including career site development, applicant tracking, integrated employee assessments, background screening and substance-abuse testing.

The final program was titled “Emerging Trends in Power, Communication, and Utility Design/Construction” presented by FMI’s Mark Bridgers. This session covered the ongoing dramatic market changes in order to respond to the financial crisis, economic conditions, stimulus spending, environmental priorities, industry regulation, and other market forces.

A Hollywood Studios Party concluded the convention activities.

Elected as the 2010-2011 PCCA officers were: President Kevin Mason, ElectriCom, Paoli, IN; President-Elect Larry Libla, Libla Communications Inc., Poplar Bluff, MO; 1st Vice President
Tommy Muse, Aubrey Silvey Enterprises Inc., Carrollton, GA; 2nd Vice President Glen Amerine, Amerine Utilities Construction Inc., Great Bend, KS; Treasurer Steve Sellenriek
Sellenriek Construction Inc., Jonesburg, MO; and Secretary Timothy Killoren, North States
Eagle River, WI.

General Directors elected include: David Aubrey, Okay Construction, Princeton, MN; Ed Campbell, Henkels & McCoy, Pomona, CA; Jim Dillahunty, Henkels & McCoy Inc.; San Dimas, CA; John Fluharty, Mears Group Inc., Rosebush, MI; Matthew Gabrielse, Gabe’s Construction Co. Inc.; Sheboygan, WI; Jerrod Henschel, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI; Todd Mix, ElectriCom, Paoli, IN; Todd Myers, Kenneth G. Myers Construction Co., Green Spring, OH; Larry Pribyl, MP Nexlevel LLC, Maple Lake, MN; Matt Trawick, Trawick Construction Co., Chipley, FL; and Bryan Westerman, MasTec Inc., Shevlin, MN.

Past President Directors are: Herb Fluharty, Mears Group Inc., Rosebush, MI; and Ron Tagliapietra, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI.

Associate Directors are: Tony Briggs, Vermeer Manufacturing, Pella, IA; Dan Levac Preformed Line Products, Mayfield Village, OH; Brad Radichel, Condux International, Mankato, MN; and Robert Orr, Sherman & Reilly Inc., Chattanooga, TN.

The PCCA’s 2010 Mid-Year Meeting will be held July 7-10, at The Lodge at Torrey Pines, in La Jolla, CA. The 2011 Annual Convention is slated for March 11-16, at the Ocean Reef Club, in Key Largo, FL.

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