December 2009 Vol. 64 No. 12

Web Exclusive

$10.4 Million Los Coyotes Reclamation Project Awarded

The County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, California, has awarded a contract to SAK Construction of CA LP for the Los Coyotes Water Reclamation Plant Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation Phase II project.

SAK Construction submitted the low bid of $10.4 million to repair sewer pipe ranging from 54-to-78-inch in diameter for the 10,425 linear-foot project. SAK Construction of CA LP is owned by SAK Construction LLC, a national pipeline rehabilitation and tunneling industries contractor headquartered in the St. Louis area.

The Los Coyotes project involves a major interceptor sewer stretching nearly two miles underneath busy residential and commercial areas in Los Angeles County. Rehabilitation will utilize SAK’s CIPP (cured-in-place-pipe) process. Work is slated to begin in December 2009 with an expected completion date during the third quarter of 2010.

Recent SAK Construction projects include serving as subcontractor for the CIPP portion of the Meadows Alta Parallel project for the City of Las Vegas, Nev.; a CIPP sewer rehabilitation for the City of Phoenix, Ariz., totaling more than 120,000 linear feet; a 34,000-linear-foot CIPP sewer rehabilitation project for the City of St. Paul, Minn.; and the 2,300-linear-foot, 96-inch diameter Coldwater Relief Tunnel in unincorporated St. Louis County for the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD).

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