September 2018 Vol. 73 No. 9
In Memoriam: Don Thorn

Don Thorn, who recently retired as president of Welded Construction after a long, successful career in the pipeline industry, died Aug. 3, in Perrysburg, Ohio, at age 69.
He started working in the industry at age 16, after graduating as valedictorian of Vina High School, in his hometown of Vina, Ala. His career took him across the entirety of the United States and every corner of the globe, starting with an 18-month stretch working in Nigeria and ending with serving as president of Welded Construction.
Additionally, he served on multiple professional and service group boards, including the Board of Directors for the Pipe Line Contractors Association (serving as its president from 2008 to 2009), the PLCA Labor Committee and president of the Kiwanis of Perrysburg.