October 2017 Vol. 72 No. 10


Louisiana Pipeliners Association Awards $1 Million In Scholarships

The Louisiana Pipeliners Association awarded its first two scholarships exactly 20 years ago and this year reached a major milestone, awarding a total of $1 million in scholarships since then.
The Louisiana Pipeliners Association is a non-political and non-profit corporation formed in 1996 for the purpose of promoting all aspects of the pipeline industry in Louisiana. Regular dinner meetings provide presentations and discussions about relevant topics and issues for the general betterment of the members. As a civic service, the Association established a Scholarship Fund in 1998 to award grants to eligible college students. Golf Tournaments, Fishing Tournaments and Clay Shoots are major fundraisers for this purpose.

The two students who received the first scholarships were Jeremy Smith, currently a board member, and Monique Roberts, currently serving as president of LA Pipeliners.

“Over the last 20+ years we have grown to over 1,000 active members and given out $1M in scholarships to hundreds of students that have gone on to be doctors, scientists, pipeliners, geologists, reporters, federal agents, teachers, nurses, engineers, lawyers, civil servants, soldiers, accountants, authors and many other professions,” said Roberts, president of G2 Integrated Solutions. louisianapipeliners.org

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