October 2016 Vol. 71 No. 10
Akkerman Names Mexico, Central America Equipment Rep

Akkerman entered into a dealership contract with Underground Construction Supply (UCS) Mexico as sole Akkerman equipment representative in Mexico and Central America.
Established in 2013 to support the booming underground construction market in the region, UCS Mexico has since diversified to address contractors’ needs in the trenchless pipe jacking and tunneling, horizontal directional drilling, pipe bursting, trenching and vacuum excavation markets. UCS Mexico also offers service, aftermarket parts and lubrication expertise.
“We feel fortunate to have formed a relationship with UCS Mexico,” said Jason Holden, director of sales, Akkerman. “Ing. Sergio Alvarado Martin [UCS Mexico CEO] is incredibly knowledgeable of the trenchless industry and is a great resource for pairing our equipment with projects.”
Founded in 1973, Akkerman develops, manufactures and supports quality pipe jacking and tunneling equipment that accurately installs a variety of underground infrastructure. The company partners with contractors to explore project solutions for a wide range of geology, pipe diameters and lengths.
Akkerman, (800) 533-0386, akkerman.com
UCS Mexico, +52 (55) 5932 5444, ucsmexico.com