March 2015, Vol. 70, No. 3
Work Continues On Best Practices For Cross Bore Safety
The Cross Bore Safety Association (CBSA) has identified the need for, and has approved the drafting of, guidance documents to improve the efficiency, quality and implementation of activities related to creation avoidance and elimination of cross bores.
The CBSA has contacted several stakeholders to participate in the creation of a “Best Practice for Cross Bore Safety” document to provide underground utility operators, contractors and service providers guidance for minimizing utility conflicts. The involvement includes regulators, equipment manufacturers, academia, national industry trade organizations, consultants and contractors from both Canada and the U.S. They will be given the opportunity to assist in the creation of the document thereby addressing specific issues unique to their respective organization’s goals. All stakeholders are highly encouraged to participate in this effort to create a practice which minimizes the risk associated with trenchless construction.
The topics include: purpose, definitions, public outreach, risk assessment, project planning, subsurface utility locating prior to construction, post construction (legacy) verification methods, utility regulator interaction, QA/QC and data management.
The CBSA is now forming committees. Participants are encouraged to join the CBSA but membership is not required to participate in this effort if you are a member of a participating organization.
For further information, contact the CBSA at