December 2012, Vol. 67 No. 12


No Dıg Turkey 2012 Deemed ‘A Great Success’

The Turkish Society for Infrastructure and Trenchless Technology (TSITT) held the No Dig Turkey 2012 Conference in Sanliurfa, Turkey, on Oct. 2-3, with the valuable support of the International Society of Trenchless Technology. Many local and international participants attended this unique trenchless event.

The conference started with the welcoming speech of Yasin Torun, chairman of TSITT. Afterwards, John Hemphill, executive director of ISTT, and Dr. Samuel Ariaratnam, chairman of ISTT, gave their opening speeches. Next, Fevzi Yucetepe, deputy mayor of Sanliurfa, Guven Karacuha, deputy general manager of DSI (State Hydraulic Works) and Sadrettin Karahocagil, president of GAP (Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration), provided their opening comments.

Next, Celalettin Guvenc, governor of Sanliurfa, gave his keynote speech. Guvenc mentioned that trenchless technology is a must for Sanliurfa and entire Turkey and he is very honored as this year”s event is held in the city of Sanliurfa – a unique city having a history of more than 12,000 years. Additionally, he said that the government will continuously support TSITT and the International No Dig 2015 Conference and Exhibition which will be held in Istanbul, Turkey.

Following the opening and keynote speeches, Dr. Rustem Keles, general manager of SASKI (Sakarya Water and Sewerage Administration) made a presentation with the title of “Trenchless Technology and General Applications in Turkish Water Administrations.” Afterwards, Dr. Magdy Abou, RAYAN, chairman of IWTA (International Water Technology Association) made a presentation with the title of “International Approaches in Non-Revenue Water Management.”

In the afternoon session, the following presentations were presented: Umit Canturk, managing director of TEKSU and Arcan Haciraifoglu, managing director of DOGUS VANA, made separate presentations focusing on: “Trenchless Technology and Applications of Non-Revenue Water Management in Turkey.” Onur Kaya, managing director of Boretec, “Trenchless Technology and Applications of Horizontal Directional Drilling in Turkey.” Dr. Ihsan Engin Bal of ITU (Istanbul Technical University), “Trenchless Technology and Applications of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in Water Transmission ystems.” Abdullah Sarikaya, deputy general manager of ENERMAK, “Trenchless Technology and Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in Turkey.” Afterwards, Mr. Suat Mizrak, manager of SAMPAS presented on “Underground Infrastructure Mapping and Information System.” Sener Polat, CIPP Consultant of TSITT, made the last presentation of the first day on “Trenchless Technology and Applications of Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) in Europe.”

Day 2
The second day of the event started with a presentation by Yasin Torun titled: “The Situation and Importance of Trenchless Technology in Turkey.” Afterwards, Dr. Samuel Ariaratnam made an excellent presentation titled “Trenchless Technology in International Dimension – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” Dr. Cemal Balci of ITU discussed Tunnel Boring Machine Selection and Rock Cutting Tests. Later, Dr. Hanifi Copur, ITU, presented “Trenchless Technology and Applications of Microtunneling in Turkey.” Then Dr. Gregor Nieder, managing director of Bohrtec,made a presentation with the title of “Microtunneling for Small Diameters up to DN800 – 30 Years” Experience in Germany.” Dr. Nuh Bilgin, ITU, made the last presentation of the day on “Trenchless Technology and Applications of Tunneling in Turkey.”

In the afternoon session, a technical tour was arranged to the site of Suruc Tunnel project – the world’s fifth longest water transmission tunnel under construction in Sanliurfa, TR. A TBM with a diameter of 7.83 meters has been working since 2010. After the No Dig Conference, the TSITT held a two-day short course on Mechanized Tunneling and Microtunneling in Sanliurfa, TR.

After organizing 2013 and 2014 No Dig Turkey events, the International No Dig 2015 Conference and Exhibition will take place in Istanbul, Turkey.

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