June 2011 Vol. 66 No. 6
ASFE Names Gaboury President

David Gaboury, P.E. is the new president of ASFE/The Geoprofessional Business Association, a not-for-profit association of geoprofessional firms that employ some 150,000 individuals worldwide.
Welcomed into office at ceremonies during ASFE’s annual meeting in St. Louis, MO, Gaboury is the forty-first individual to serve as ASFE’s president and chair of the group’s board of directors.
The two additional officers and five directors-at-large who comprise the balance of ASFE’s board are: President-Elect David Schoenwolf, P.E. (Haley & Aldrich Inc.); Secretary/Treasurer Kurt Fraese, L.G. (GeoEngineers Inc.); Joel Carson (The Kleinfelder Group); Mark Kramer, P.E. (Soil and Materials Engineers Inc.); Gordon Matheson, Ph.D., P.E., P.G. (Schnabel Engineering); Steven Thorne, P.E., D.GE (GEI Consultants Inc.); and Woodward Vogt, P.E. (Paradigm Consultants Inc.).
Gaboury is president and CEO of Terracon, a consulting engineering firm headquartered in the Kansas City area, which operates from more than 125 offices in 39 states. He is a licensed professional engineer with more than 25 years of experience in environmental, geo-environmental and water resources engineering. A graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst with a B.S. in civil engineering, Gaboury also received a masters’ degree in civil engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a graduate of Harvard Business School, Advanced Management Program. Prior to joining Terracon, he was with Woodward Clyde for 15 years, serving as chief pperating officer and president of Woodward Clyde Consultants for the last five years. 301.565.2733, www.asfe.org