October 2010 Vol. 65 No. 10
UCTA Awards Scholarships

The Underground Construction Technology Association (UCTA) recognized the recipients of its college scholarships Aug. 3 at its monthly meeting. The association awarded $8,000 in scholarships to eight students.
The students were: Carmen Brown, daughter of Mark Boyer, Boyer Inc., Jennifer Seifert, daughter of Terry Anderson, Sekisui SPR Americas; Bobbie Salas, daughter of Linda Cassel, Boyer Inc.; Lana Donath; daughter of Robert Donath, PM Construction; George Goloby III, son of George Goloby, City of Houston; Kyle Mayberry, son of Glen Mayberry (deceased), Weston Engineering; Claudia Hernandez, daughter of Jesus Hernandez, BRH Garver; and Courtney Elliott, daughter of Michael Elliott, PM Construction. Pictured are the students present at the meeting.
Also, as the Gulf Coast region enters the middle of this year’s hurricane season, attendees had the opportunity to hear how the city of Galveston handled the clean up and restoring of services to residences and businesses in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike that devastated much of the island in September of 2008. Guest speaker Eric Wilson, managing director of Municipal Infrastructure, city of Galveston, TX, focused particularly on the sewer and water recovery that occurred after the hurricane.