October 2010 Vol. 65 No. 10
New Products
JCB Backhoe Achieves New World Record

JCB’s 3CX Backhoe Loader has earned a world record by completing a 26-day, 3,185-mile road trip across America. The epic “Backhoe Across America” fundraising trek beat the existing record for “The Longest Journey in an Excavator” by 600 miles and has secured the company a place in The Guinness Book of World Records.
With JCB veteran Neil Smith at the controls and support from a Backhoe Across America crew, the newly-updated JCB 3CX set off from Tybee Island, GA, on March 26, carrying a bucket of East Coast sand.
After spending 119.5 hours in the cab at speeds averaging 27 mph, Smith drove the machine onto the beach at the Santa Monica, CA, pier on April 20 and dropped off the Tybee Island sand. “It’s been an amazing journey,” Smith said. “The JCB backhoe performed brilliantly, and it has been an incredible way to see the country.”
The JCB CX backhoe now includes a re-styled counterweight and new vertical grille design offering an even more aggressive feel. The sharper lines on the excavator and loader profiles contribute to the robust look, while the sloping hood retains excellent forward visibility.
In addition to the new styling on the machine, the new 3CX comes with an EcoRoad feature that resulted in 30 percent fuel savings throughout the Backhoe Across America journey. To further increase fuel efficiency, the new generation backhoes feature an EcoDig system resulting in an average of 15 percent fuel savings while working in ground-engaging applications.
Along the way, the crew made “pit stops” at JCB dealerships in eight cities to help raise awareness and funds for the American Red Cross Haiti Relief and Development Fund. The fundraising pit stops were the only stops Smith and his crew had to make. The JCB backhoe stood up to the ultimate test of endurance, durability and reliability with no unscheduled service checks.
Follow the incredible 3CX journey, watch the daily video logs and see what Neil and his crew encountered on the road by visiting www.JCBforHaiti.