May 2010 Vol. 65 No. 5
Equipment Spotlight
Track Trenchers & Rock Saws: Rivard Trenching

The new Rivard RIV-523 TR250 Rock-Saw Trencher is ideal for wind farms, fiber networks, and oil and gas pipelines up to 8 inches in diameter.
The RIV-523 excels in rocky areas as well as in mixed conditions and soft soil. The 35-ton machine has a 550 hp CAT Engine for cutting trenches 60 inches deep and 10-14 inches wide with a maximum depth of 70 inches if required. The “High Torque” Rock-Saw Wheel, with gears around the wheel perimeter, is driven by two hydraulic motors on the top of the wheel. A pressurized, air conditioned cab provides for joystick control. A laying box (like a plow chute) is provided for mechanized laying wind farm, tri-fold power cables and HDPE ducts. The Rock-Saw Wheel fully offsets side-to-side for easy tilt of 14 degrees to keep vertical on side slopes. The suspended cab in mounted on a B5 type crawler track with a self-leveling feature. 610.909.1905,